"nac-n 372" + nap 500 dr

My British humour again. I was in no way offended.

Over here the comparison on basic motors is Ford vs Vauxhall (GM). I have owned both and they are equally ‘OK’, IMV. Still prefer my BMWs I have owned in the past, but I have spent too much on HiFi, so will have to slum it with my Focus for a while!

Anyway, enough thread drift.


Next time, maybe just stick to the Trigger’s broom analogy if you want an easy life!

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Vauxhall is now Peugeot (PSA).

Nigel, if you don’t want your car spinning of the road because of too much power, it’s easy: put some wings on your focus!




Although I believe that is an old Peugeot 405 with the wings!

Ok, from your discussion I realize it’s not that easy I thought it would be some days ago… I will go into my thoughts/conflicts a little bit deeper now, just for disclosure of my conflicts of interest:

  • My box count is really limited to 4 (it was hard to stretch myself from the 1 box solution Nova to 4 boxes).

  • For some reasons I love the NAPs, especially the 300DR, and I do not find the Supernait 2 as attractive as the former, all the same to the (old) NAC Pres.

  • When I think about a 372 I do think/hope/expect a two box solution with a seperate PSU necessary and a SQ close to NDX2/282(252).

  • I like the new streaming platform, the new display, AirPlay2 (for party multiroom), etc. all the new stuff introduced with the new Uniti range and new streamers.

  • The 500DR was never on my shopping list (because of the price point and lack of synergy a bit to the rest of my system I had in mind). The offered 500DR is really a bargain and the dealer is just next door. Good pre-loved 500s are a rarity here.

  • Because of my Nova I do not have to hurry and in theory I can wait until the release of a 372. But I also could sweeten the waiting time with an additional NAP connected to my Nova.

At the moment I got the feeling I distance myself from the idea of buying the 500DR. On the other hand I still balance the pros and cons for the following setups:

  • 372/PSU/500DR.

  • 372/PSU/300DR.

  • NDX2/252/SuperCap/250DR.

  • NDX2/(PSU)/SN2/(PSU).

yes, from the film Taxi, very funny french film.

i would go for the 3 option personally. The 372 will perhaps never be produced. It’s completely hypothetical.

If you went for 1 or 2 and the 372 never appears, what would you do then?

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I would go for option 3 if you don’t want to wait for a 372 to arrive, which may never happen of course.

Life is too short!

I have owned option 3 (with a NDS/555PS rather than a NDX2) and it is a belter of a system. Only improved upon by the addition of a 552. I do like a monkfish though!

The problem with option 3 for the OP is that you really need to add a decent power supply to the NDX2 and then you are into 5 boxes.

If you have your heart set on an updated 272 throwing yourself into options 2 to 4, you really need to very sure that you will be happy long term. There is option 5 which is do nothing of course and wait, or add a NAP which is what i did. The difference being i knew the new streamers were to be launched a year down the road. Knowing myself, buying something different to what i have set my heart on is the most expensive outcome…as i will always end up buying what i originally wanted, eventually!

At the moment 2 has the edge. I would skip the 500DR from my dealer and would look out for a pre-loved 300DR which I would connect to my Nova while waiting for a 372. I think that’s where my heart is on. There are some people here in this forum who live very happily with a Nova + NAP250/300DR while waiting for a 372 too, like you @Gazza (btw which NAP did you add to what?). The 500DR is probably too much for a 4 box setup…

@anon4489532 if the 372 is never coming I have to rethink my strategy, balance the benefits of the 300DR on a Nova (perhaps I could keep that) or move further on to option 3. Perhaps something unexpected will happen like new Pres or a Supernait 3 and I have to rethink anyway.

Here is another question: what’s wrong with a 272?


I added a 250 dr to my Nova, then an ex demo 300 dr whilst waiting for a nd555/252/supercap. It was a lot of fun and i lost practically nothing when after a year i traded up.

This whole thread is predicated on a fantasy product!

Just make sure that you’re not going to join the ranks of people who have spent loads of money on a power amp, only to realise that they can’t afford a source and preamp at the same level. The forum seems to have had a few of these recently, so I would go back to the dealer who wanted to sell you that 500, and ask him (or maybe a different dealer) if he can help you choose a balanced system. Some dealers are very good at this.

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why not this 3 boxes solution, nd555 and that integrated ( only 20 dollars).

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Old streaming board and technology (e.g. AirPlay 2, display, etc.)… But I don’t doubt that it sounds fantastic (!) Just want to buy into the “new” generation.

Nice way to upgrade! That could be me :smiley: Can you please describe your insights with Nova/250DR and Nova/300DR shorty. I would appreciate that a lot!

I promise I will not join them!!! :crossed_fingers:t3::relieved: I will let you know…

You get an increasing level of control over the speakers which for me gave a more insightful and musical experience. By comparison the Nova at the same highish volume levels could sound a bit fatiguing, by comparison.