NAC82 523 phono cards v linn Urika

Thanks @Igel! :grin:

I must admit, I think I know what you mean about the leading edge snap of olive now. As I’m getting the system warm again and listening to the 250DR, there is less snap about it compared to the olive.

The 250DR is definitely more refined. I get why some would miss the snap, I think I liked it too if I’m honest, but the rest of what I feel were shortcomings on the 180 are now much better. Sounds a bit bigger, more refined and smoother, which feels like it will be less 1hr blast, but will be easier on the ears over an evening.

Interesting listening!


If your dealer will have an Olive Nap 250 for sale in the future, it can be interesting to borrow it and compare.

Yeah, it certainly would be! I know I’ll be happy with this, but I get the differences now. The olive is exciting to listen to and snappy, but has less depth and is definitely less refined.

This one feels more grown up. Deeper, richer, more rounded with more scale. Certainly not jaw dropping different, but so far from initial listen, it feels like this one could play any album and it not be grating or tiring. Not dull or warm, just refined with what I’ve put on so far. I feel this is a good thing for me. I don’t listen at crazy volumes and I don’t want fireworks every time I sit down to listen.

I’m gonna use a car analogy off the top of my head. Olive sounds more ‘Caterham’, DR sounds more M5. Both very quick, but go about their business in totally different ways. Interesting!

Certainly no synergy issues with the 82, which is a big relief. I thought it may sound in your face from what I’d read, but not at all! So if anyone else is considering the move, no issues with the 82 working with a DR 250.


That’s fantastic news about the 250DR. You need to give it a fair few days to warm up and bed in. And let your ears get adjusted to the change.

I think you made a good decision. The 250 olive would have been good too.

With a Kore and Radikal for your LP12 and improved amplification you have a top notch system to be proud of.

Enjoy your albums and well done again!


Ahh cheers @Dan_M!

Yeah, I realise it may be too early to say what I think, but initial impressions are good, though not mind-blowing better. It’s definitely different and the albums I’ve put on so far are not picking out some bits I enjoyed on the 180, bit it’s also better in others. Like you say, it will take a bit of adjustment to get used to the new normal.

When I first got home with the Karousel and radikal. I was a little ‘yeah, it’s a bit better’, but I was tired after a 5hr round trip drive… but over the next few days things just opened out totally and I ended up with a huge grin on my face and goosebumps!

I knew I needed to do something about the 180 at some point, as upgrading the front end would only show more how I needed to upgrade. I don’t need to think about a service now for 10 years and sure it’ll get better the more I improve the front.

The olive 180 did have some nice traits, bass was tight, plucky and really tuneful… It really stood out, which is less so on the DR. The DR seems more 3d, deeper and more polished, but less emphasised.

I would like to hear a 250 olive as a comparison, but can’t imagine ever having that opportunity to do so. Not many dealers are going to have any I wouldn’t imagine.

Once the kore is done and hopefully Urika, I’m hoping more detail into the mix will just keep on adding to it. Peter reckoned the kore is really noticeable and improvement (and also Urika), so looking forward to that.

Yeah, a nice chill tonight and give it more of a listen once everyone has gone to bed! :slight_smile:

Really appreciate your help along the way!


You now have great amplification. The LP12 with the Kore and upgraded phonostage will be a big upgrade and with the new 250DR it will come together in a big way.

On my journey I found that if things are missing it can sound not quite right. My recent change to Ekos 2, DVXX2 Mk2 and Tom Evans The Groove+ has really taken my system to another level.

It has the Lingo 1, a very early model but I had it serviced by Darran a few years ago and he changed the mains inlet to be without filter. I am probably good for another 20 years with my LP12 but I am keen to go Radikal 1 or possibly 2 and Urika.

The Tom Evans phono stage is very good though, although sensitive to positioning. I have experimented with putting at the top of the rack with a spare shelf underneath. Which is fine but not ideal for positioning of other boxes.

I am currently decorating my listening room. Nothing major, just change of wallpaper on feature wall and repainting walls and ceilings same colours.

Anyway, I am nissing my system big time. With so much stuff in my listening room I have put off doing the works!

I can see the benefits if a Urika. Sleek, fits into LP12 and powered by Radikal. Less shelves, less plugs. Makes sense.

The Kore is quite an improvement in my view. I think you’ll like it very much.

My next LP12 ugrades will be Radikal 1 or 2 and Urika, and will be part funded by selling Tom Evans The Groove+.

But that isn’t on the cards early part of this year. I am due an op soon for ongong cancer. As self employed builder it means I won’t be earning any money for a few weeks after as I rest up.

Still, will give me an opportunity to play records all day!


Yeah, you should go with the radikal, @Dan_M… Besides, it your turn now! :joy:

Like you say, the Urika makes lots of sense in so many ways. It gives you shelf space back if you have an external stage. It gives you a trampolin 2 (which is as we’ve said already is a positive whatever it sits on), and it makes full use of the radikal power supply. Many plus points for it! The fact that it’s also meant to be a very good stage too, is icing on the cake. You know a radikal makes lots of sense… Go for it! :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m definitely keen on getting a used Kore if one comes up. I had doubts it would be much better than majik, but by all accounts it is! It’s on my hitlist!

Blimey @Dan_M with that looming over you, I’m not surprised you aren’t prioritising your system!

I must say, from following your threads before starting this one, I’ve been taken back by just how bloody brave and inspiring you’ve been about your health issues. I really hope this ordeal can soon be put behind you and you can look forwards to a long and healthy future. Music is good therapy and I’m sure it will help keep your spirits high. I’m sure I speak on behalf of everyone on this forum, in wishing you a full and speedy recovery!

Really puts it into perspective what really matters at the end of the day and it’s certainly not who’s got the best hifi system!

Sending positive and healing vibes!


Thanks Storm1, I’ve had health problems for the last 20 months or so with diagnosis of cancer initially anal cancer and now liver cancer. I just keep going, working, spending time with my 4 children and trying my best to make every moment count!

Noone knows what the future holds. I was told 2 years to live by consultant but surgeons carrying out liver resection are much more positive than that.

I am not taking their word for anything. I am strong, fit and well. I will beat this. Believe!

Anyhow, I have far too many upgrades to do before I die. So am hoping on a long and enjoyable life.

So yes, the Radikal beckons. Will get Urika done at same time and maybe even Keel. I believe my tonearm will work with a Keel. Will be another big jump in sound quality. I have listened to Klimax LP12 and know what it can do. I am aiming for that.

All in good time as I am spending money on remortgages and wills and trusts at the moment to get things in order.

Everything will come to me. I am sure. And if it doesn’t I know I have given things a bloody good try!

How’s the 250DR?


Well, you’ve certainly got the right mindset to beat this @Dan_M. I know I don’t know you personally, but I do know you’re an inspiration to everyone on this forum. Keep on keeping on… we’re all rooting for you!

That full Klimax LP12 is probably a welcome distraction. I think you’ll well and truly deserve it after everything you’ve been through!

I’m currently having to sit through ‘The Traitors’ on TV… Itching to get listening! Hopefully it’ll help having this last few hours to warm up!! :slight_smile:

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Little update on the 250dr for anyone interested…

I’m going to be totally honest, I went to bed ever so slightly underwhelmed!

Yep, I gave it a listen last night but I was maybe a little tired from the 5hrs drive. Either way… the few records I listened to, were ‘OK’ and yes a little bit better, but nothing much more. Dam! Not much more scale, bass wasn’t much better and detail again was better but not by much. Better than the 180, but not by enough to make me feel fully confident I’d made the right step.

So, finishing work today… I’ve given it another go after a 24hr warming up period and put some records on.

It’s totally different! Thank goodness! What a difference a day makes. Obviously, the powering down of my system for the day yesterday was giving me a very wrong first impression. Phew!!

So, the long and short is… I’m very happy with it. The scale is definitely now there, the bass is now deeper and plays a more key role. There are now elements in the recording coming through that simply weren’t there before. Still very refined, which I like, but sounds much more plucky and upbeat tonight! Again, big sigh of relief!

Big learning point (and I’ve done it twice now) is never let excitement get in the way and listen to anything critically on the first day! Very relieved and happy bunny tonight!

Very Happy 250dr owner!


Give it space and time and let your ears adjust. Cables need to adjust.

I did say…


Haha you did @Dan_M

Yeah, I was a bit neutral about it going to bed yesterday. It was better, but not by as much as I’d hoped. I started googling the Nap300 instead thinking I should have gone a step up.

Today, definitely convinced!! Big relief! Everything being powered down for the day absolutely made a significant difference.

Patience isn’t my strong point! :joy:

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That’s good to hear. I have unplugged my 250 on several occasions and find it takes quite some time for it to get back on track. Don’t really know how much time though. Perhaps 24 hours is enough. Mine has just been replugged the last 24 hours and is sounding really nivlce this evening. However, I am evaluating a new power chord so it’s all a bit hard to tell if it’s sounding as it should already. We will see in the coming days I suppose😊

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Yeah, it was a huge relief this evening @Lucifer, I was a bit flat about it last night. Felt it was a bit diagonal a jump, but it’s really come on song tonight. Lots better!

I’m not touching a thing now for a little while!

What’s the cable out of interest?

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It’s a Neotech The Grand. I’ve actually moved the cable I had between the wall and block (Neotech 3200) to the Nap 250 and put the Neotech “the grand between the wall and the power block. So it’s 2 cables where one is new (the grand) in the system and one is in a new position (3200). Right now it has made a rather big difference. It’s still early days, so I think the cables need to settle also but it is promising so far.

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Who’s the retailer? Cannot find these cables on the Swedish market? Are they as stiff as their ethernet cables? I’m planning to evaluate Puritan Ultimate bit more here. Love the flexibility of those cables.

It’s Lasse’s hi-fi. I don’t remember how stiff they were. However the 3200 is stiffer than the “the grand”. Are you looking for a cable from wall to block? If the Puritan is using those ridiculous 20 amp plugs you might be in trouble since the Neotech only comes with 16 amp plugs. Of course you could always change plugs yourself.

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Puritan 156 use C19 20A IEC :+1: I’m targeting a Puritan Ultimate for that position to start with.

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When it comes to Neotech I think the most knowledgable at Lasses would be Mats working primarily at the store in Umeå. So maybe try and contact him for good advice on which cables where, so to speak :blush:

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