Naim CD5si questions

Hi Everyone… I have an original Naim Nait XS (made in 2009, bought new in 2010) that is being recapped at Focal Naim in Quebec as I write this. The mute relay on it went bad so they had to replace it, so I did the recap on top of it while it was up there (better than spending $3500 on a sideways move to the XS-3 and I don’t have the $ to buy a Supernait 3). I also have an old Naim CD5 I bought used from my Naim dealer at the time probably ten years ago that still works, and I am using a basic Naim DIN interconnect that came with that CD player. Very happy with the sound through my Harbeth Compact 7s. I primarily listen to vinyl but I have tons of CDs and still like them and will never move all of those over to streaming.

Looking around this forum and elsewhere it appears that Naim no longer services their older CD players because they can’t get the lasers and/or other parts for them. They do sell the latest version of my CD5, though, the CD5si. I believe the CD5si has been around for around ten years now, so I am wondering if Naim will continue to sell/service them into the future. I wonder if it is worth getting a new CD5si if I want to keep using a Naim CD player and don’t want to risk getting a used higher end one (CDX, etc.) that cannot really be serviced anymore. Thoughts?

I’ve had a CD5Si for nearly a year now and my main reason for buying it was serviceability if it has a decent warranty from new then why not.
It’s a super minimalist no nonsense no gimmick player.
And the synergy will fit right in with what you have.
Life is too short to chase rainbows nothing lasts forever. :sunglasses: :+1:t2:


You should contact directly Naim support. Normally they still have spares for the Cd5i but not for other players. However better ask to be sure.

Naim can still service their older CD players, it’s just laser mechanisms that can be a problem, as although Naim have been one of the better manufacturers for holding spares stock, most all the mechs are not made any more, some not for decades now. Even the VAM1202, which was one of the last Philips mechs to be used, is not officially made any more, although there are some out there from other sources, but they can have issues. Naim keep an eye on what’s around and if they can find something with promise then they usually buy, but supply of good mechs is always tricky.

Best to check in with your dealer as and when you feel you need to have your player serviced and the mech replaced to see what the current situation is, as it’s constantly changing depending on supply.


I’ve visited the factory end of June and we saw that the cd5si was still being produced. At least a dozen of them if not more. I’ve also listened to the cd5si through a SuperNait and I think it’s a fine cd player. Some would argue that it’s not up to the level of a SuperNait ut still it’s very capable. Why not give it a listen at your dealer?


Thanks for all of the information, everyone! Glad to hear they are still making the players and will try to service everything. I am 3-4 hours drive from a Naim dealer but next time I am in Houston in a couple of months I will probably go by the Focal-Naim place and give the 5si a listen next to my 5.


Seconded. My CD5Si sounds great. I think it’s highly underrated. Seems to respond well to quality support systems


I faced sort of the same scenario back then.
I’ve owned most of the range of Naim CD players included the very first Cdi and CDS.
It was a fun and a learning period.
Those players performed extra ordinary for me.

Mind you CD5Si are latest edition of the entry level range CD5i.
I never really came on with these budget made players, far too retail expensive IMO and I preferred performance from even a Rega Apollo.

Today I would have used Naim CD players if they supported them, unfortunately situation became too unsafe and I went to Rega Saturn (lovely players too - and supported)

I’ve not had any of the older CD players, but my CD5si was such a revelation through my old amp that I bought the 5si amp as well.
I am enjoying it immensely and I think the suggestion to audition it at your dealer.


I recently got cd5si with 272/xpsdr, it’s a really good player. I enjoy listening to my CDs again, and the drawer system is great!


I have a CD5si. It is a very textured and full bodied player to my ears. My only criticisms are:

  1. a lack of a digital output - I know Naim suggest SQ reasons for not including it but it would be useful.
  2. related to the above, in comparison with my Arcam D33 DAC being fed the same CD from an Arcam DV135 or when streaming Tidal Masters through the D33, the Naim does lack some top end extension which can make some music sound a little ‘shut in’. This is where a digital out would be useful. Using a Van Dan Hul The Bay RCA interconnect has mitigated this somewhat compared with the Chord DIN to RCA connection (my amp only has RCA inputs).
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The CD5Si is easily the best entry-level CD player Naim have ever made. I’ve had all of them. CD3 is my second favourite.


I found using RCA instead of the din connectors a revelation and very similar to your findings.
Using RCA- RCA changing the output on the remote.
I never use adaptors or din.

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I bought a CD5si just after the “usual suspects” did the factory tour .

I bought it to go with my Nait 50 .

The previous CDx2 had been serviced a couple of years ago, and I had it converted to digital output only . My first response to Onip is that some are serviceable .

My second is the CD5si is a very good player , which to be blunt is surprising me as I thought it was quite an old design.

My only reservation about it , is that it doesn’t have a digital output


I played my old CD3 a couple of years ago , when my CDX2 was being serviced .

It played beautifully and after a couple of hours was very good. It is now in a place where I am hoping it will give years of service


Being honest I’ve never noticed a big difference in cables, once one has ‘good quality’ cables. However, this time both myself and my wife did notice quite a difference to the top end clarity but without any negatives. Like you I now run my player with it set to just RCA outputs. The DIN-to-RCA cable is still plugged in - I don’t have any other use for it at the moment!

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I use it all RCA - RCA I did the comparison and found the din very lacking in comparison.
Give it a go even with a budget set to try.
You don’t go through relay switching with the RCA input either. :wink:

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The CD3 was awesome, and still is!


Thanks again for keeping up the thread, everyone. I think I will certainly get the CD5si when I get the opportunity, assuming the listening session at the dealer goes well. Interesting to hear, though, that the RCA to RCA is better to the ears of some compared to the DIN connections. Has anyone used the CD5si with an upgraded DIN interconnect, such as Naim’s SNAIC (the more affordable one)? If the dealer has that I will check it out, too, but I wonder if anyone hears an improvement with it.

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If you mean the Naim lavender DIN-DIN one comes with the CDP that’s the one I compared with.
RCA all the way just try. :sunglasses: :+1:t2: