Naim Chrome Bumper

Playing around with boxes and now have my BD160 in a second set up:

(Another internal shot for those who seem interested)


A great piece of history


I see that a diode bridge has been fitted in place of the individual diodes, does this make the amp faster than the original?

Looks great and my fav naim product


I’ve never noticed this, can anyone shed any light?

Perhaps @NeilS

We found that the individual diodes became a bit fragile after servicing & had several re-repairs due to failure. As a result, we now replace them all with diode bridges, as we currently stock these.
The configuration is the same, just in a different package.



Do you know roughly when you started doing this Neil?

I’d say somewhere in the early 2000s at a guess.


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Hi, just would like to know if the ‘zero position’ of an unserviced 32.5’s balance knob is the same as the Nait 1 (45 degrees to the left)? couldn’t find any answers on the Internet, I see some pictures do, but mostly not.

Found mine fully balanced at this position, but not sure if it needs a clean

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Hiya - I thought the Nait’s balance ‘feature’ was unique. My green LED 32.5 was centred in the mid position so perhaps yours can be fixed next service.

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The NAC32.5 balance is a proper one so should under ideal conditions be centered, but will depend to some extent on other factors, such as the source music, rest of the system, your listening position, and how the speakers interact with the room.

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And how your hearing is :rofl:

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Here is one of my 4 Nac12
It’s a v2.2 model

I just changed the tantals for nec in nos
The rest is still original and works very well


On the 32, the balance adjustment knob is an extension which is screwed onto the potentiometer shaft which is soldered to the main circuit
If the positioning is not perfect, there may be an offset
If you put the potar in the middle, do you have as much play on each side?
It’s best to measure with a multimeter to be sure, as the pot itself may have an internal offset.

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Balanced was always at the 12 o’clock position on both of our 32.5 pre-amps, both before and after factory services.

Hope this helps, BF

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Thanks a lot for the helps (again) @Murmur @Richard.Dane @Bluesfan @Manu67 ! Time for a service! (And great for CB’s answer database!)

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I wish I had kept my 12 :slightly_frowning_face:

One of my 160cb, one of my most beautiful pieces, the case is like new.
The 10000uf ITT capacitors are all between 9600 and 9900uf esr between 0.02 and 0.06. Exceptional.


Super looking 160 and somewhat incredible those ITT cap’s are still ‘in spec’. Here’s one of my 110s which is on its third set of cap’s - the long gone original ITTs certainly weren’t good!