Naim Classic 300 & Speakers Recommendations?

They were fine with the 300 but slightly bass heavy as I could not move them away from walls. The 300 was coming up to needing service and I had a good trade in offer. The 350s give a tighter bass in my room and, as others have said, an inky blackness between notes without losing the natural decay. I could have stayed happily with the 300 but very happy with the 350s.


T505 with NAP 300 DR owner. Incredible combo. I don’t find them bright at all, in fact they have a perfect tonal balance but they do require care when placing them in the room. I wasn’t happy with the overall sound until I followed Kudos’ instructions and placed them right up against the back of the room with no toe-in and had them 2 metres apart.

After that everything locked into place and produced a breathtaking sound, no exaggeration.

Try to get a home demo if you can.


Shahinian Obelisks with NAP300….a marriage made in heaven.


When my dealer installed the 300 boxes for me his comment was “I can see [hear] why you like your Focals so much”.


Recently - I saw and heard the Sonus Faber Olympica Nova II. Gorgeous to behold, both in sound and sight. The fact that the wife is prepared to welcome it into our home without reservation, is also a huge plus.


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