Naim DAC or NDX2?

Why? They’re identical inside. The only difference is the analog output section.

It’s no different than the 222 and 333. They’re also identical inside except for the removal of the preamp and addition of a better analog output section. The power supply, digital, and dac implementations are identical.

Not sure that is true.

I think the NDX2 has a slightly larger transformer.

Also the NDX2 and ND5XS2 use different DAC chips.

Given the SPDIF output is post DSP then it stands to reason there could be sonic differences as the DSP on each device may be different (I’ve no idea if it actually is).

However, it would be fair to say most people at demo can’t hear much, if any, difference on SPDIF - but the numbers of people comparing the two as digital transport only is very very low.

We have the NDX2 due to SWMBO wanting a remote control (which, via system automation, is actually very very useful in the lounge).


There are lots of threads that are quite close. I couldn’t find one with my particular question though. I’d agree that the comparison of streamers has been done to death.

I think Simon in Suffolk has answered my question so I’m grateful for that.


If the streaming board was the only criteria of sound quality, there would be no difference between Nd5xs2, Ndx2 and Nd555 used as transports only. I doubt there is no difference because the streaming board is not the only thing. There’s the implementation, the isolation from EMI/ RFI, the quality of the ps, of parts,…


Exactly, only 2 members here and they used a Chord dac.

Don’t forget Simon advised getting the ndac along with a competent transport and consider Toslink.

The Naim streamers don’t do optical out.

I don’t see the point in spending 2.5k on network enabled DAC (which is what the Nd5 is), just to use a small proportion of the stuff that’s in it.

Surely better to spend 2.5k on high quality, dedicated transport.

That has optical output. :blush:


I agree. I’m trying to avoid any redundancy.

My Primare NP5 has toslink.

Now I’ve written that I’m wondering if people are mixing up the NP5 and ND5 - that would explain why there are so many references to the ND5 :slightly_smiling_face:.

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I think it’s also a British cultural thing to prefer symetry, black with black, Naim with Naim, aligned logos….:joy:
Perhaps also the belief that non Naim transport will affect the Naim signature sound, slow the Prat….etc

Not quite, the power supply is different, and I seem to remember there were possibly differences in the clock/DSP chip config, but not entirely sure of this last part. My memory has got a bit hazy from when I was last at the factory.

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I think you mean consistency as opposed to symmetry… if I am honest I don’t think that is a British thing at all, we like to individually mix and match on the whole. I would say your trait is possibly more a Germanic, Scandinavian or even a US one.


I encounter so many members who are a bit obsessed by symmetry and matching colour here in our forum.
Maybe those are not British, however most here are from UK.

Sometimes we have no choice.

SWMBO likes the current clean rack look and her speakers.

She has in recent months pooh-poohed a Dave and ATC50s.

So ND555/552 perhaps, if only for aesthetic reasons.

No idea how I get a speaker upgrade past her.


Yes, it did cross my mind when I wrote what I wrote, but I suspect some on this forum are a little bit to the side of the general distribution……

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No, it does not have a larger transformer. I’ve owned them both at the same time, opened them up side by side, and the whole right side of the streamers are identical.

Yes, the NDX2 and ND5XS2 use different DAC chips. Why does that matter when we’re talking about the digital output and using them as transports? There is no conversion being done.

Ask yourself why a Naim tech hasn’t chimed in on this subject, which has been discussed at length for years now. It would benefit them to chime in and state some advantage a bare NDX2 has when being used as a transport. They haven’t. That silence speaks volumes.

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The streaming board isn’t what is being discussed.

No, it’s not. If you can show me where it’s different or quote Naim stating the differences then I’d like to know. Otherwise, I believe what my eyes tell me.

Yes fairly sure Naim told me the ndx2 had a bigger PSU, not least it has greater load to source.
I seem to remember there were differences in the DSP and clock, but not entirely sure as I no longer have my notes from a once factory visit, but the clock layout looks possibly slightly different on the photos.


Obviously it’s the right hand side we are looking at.

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I disagree because most say as the streaming boards are identical, all Naim streamers should sound the same if only used as transports.
It’s the most often cited argument here generally.

Once again, that is not what is being argued here. Everything surrounding that streaming board including the power supply is identical.

Do you realize that everything on the right side is shifted even farther right to accommodate the larger analog output section in the NDX2? So everything is shifted right making even less space for a larger transformer. Showing two pictures at different scale doesn’t prove anything.