Naim factory visit?

… eerrrr thats not what I wrote … A squadron is 12 aircraft, Vic-3’s is 3 aircraft in vee formation, line astern is 4 x vic 3 = the whole squadron of 12.
They all took off in close formation, hold at 50 feet, clean up the gear (wheels) & then all go into a near vertical climb in line astern, the whole squadron of 12 aircraft with their 24x RR Avon’s on full after-burn, in near vertical close formation line astern vic-3. That how it was at Farnborough in those days

Sorry, and understood, too quick with the reply, should have read more clearly, (24x RR Avon’s… should have been a clue). Even more impressive…

Puts my experience of just a single Lightning into its place, but I was impressed anyway. It may have been 1968.

I saw a lightening at an air display with my dad when I was about 10. It flew low and over the crowd repeatedly. When at a safe vertical distance it would ignite the afterburner and send a blast of hot air over the spectators. I will never forget the silhouette, the speed, the climb rate, and above all the noise.


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