Naim & Focal 10th Anniversary Edition

No fear. I’m driving.


As a Naim owner with Chrome Bumper, Olive and Black boxes, maybe a grey Tin box to complete the variation!??

Many companies offer different finishes such as chrome, silver, black and gold. So don’t see a problem with it.

If you get this system and want to upgrade to Supercap DR, 252 or add 555PS to NDX2 what do you do?

I think they should offer all products in a range of finishes now as Naim are going down a different route.

Personally, I don’t know what to think about the Tin finish. Reminds me of Quad boxes. Looks okay, but black seems right!

And I don’t think they would be in keeping with my system. Chrome or silver variant might look cool.

Let’s open our minds. Like I say many manufacturers of high end audiophile systems offer different casework. Important thing is what is underneath.

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I think with only 50 sets I don’t think anyone here has to worry
They will be sold …… pre orders are being taken
for a delivery at a later date.


No chaffeur for the Bentley tonight?

Oh 50 sets, so a very limited edition as an anniversary special. I’ve really warmed to it, it looks nice. (I think my original belief it was an April Fool was largely based on my reading of the Sopras as having real concrete sides.)
I’m looking forward to next year, the 50th anniversary of Naim’s founding. Gold-plated Statement edition surely.

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Not very warm sounding then :rofl:


They rock


Brings a whole new meaning to getting stoned

Perhaps Focal are hoping it will cement their reputation as one of the great speaker manufacturers.


It can’t get more concrete than that.

Mixed feelings.

When Focal do it, it’s the stupid French people. If Roy Gandy does it, it’s the birth of a British legend.


I’d prefer a polished exposed aggregate with black oxide - take my money.

Describes our home, which doesn’t look like a lot of the homes we see here. But it’s our style:


In their place I was, painting everything gold, for the nouveau riche … … :roll_eyes:

Naim need to consult Lotus re special editions. I think we are now at the special edition for ‘the day the tea room kettle was replaced’ stage

I think they believe that already @anon4489532.

Their headphones are world class for sure.

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The tin is a better colour than olive, but the knobs being a different colour spoils the look.

To me the Olive was Naim’s best ever design, with the slightly shiny greeny-grey front and the black casing.

The all grey Tin boxes just look like a pile of breeze blocks.