Naim Mu-so 2: positioning query

Hi all, I’m thinking of buying a Naim Mu-so 2 for the lounge, but the only place I can realistically put it is in an open fronted TV cabinet. I recognise this is not optimal, and I’m concerned that this would impact the sound in a big way e.g make it boomy etc. Am I worrying unnecessarily, or is this positioning a no no? Many thanks!

Hi @Mark1959 , I have a gen 1 Muso in an open fronted TV stand. It is used for both the TV and listening to internet radio/Qobuz. As you say, whilst probably not optimal positioning it is very acceptable (well, better than acceptable! :slightly_smiling_face:). Personally I don’t find it ‘boomy’
Hope this helps.

Hi, without wishing to sound flippant, if you do get it I’d suggest that you ensure that Loudness is off in the menu.

hi mark
muso2 does have a setting for close to rear wall, but i have mine in open space so have never used it

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Hi @Manlad and @Eoink, many thanks for your helpful replies.


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