Naim Mu-so and Muso-QB

Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if Naim Mu-so and Muso-QB can play simultaneously using TIDAL or Macmini’s bluetooth connection? Is the multiroom function designed for that ?

thanks a lot.

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Hi, you can use the Tidal input in the Naim app, no need for Bluetooth. It will play on both Musos in sync using multiroom, or you can stream different music to each streamer at the same time.

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If you’re choosing not to use the built-in Tidal for some reason, a MacMini would be able to stream via AirPlay which is preferable to BlueTooth anyway.
I am currently listening to Tidal natively (using the Naim app) on my QB2 and multi-rooming to my QB1 elsewhere in the house.
Yesterday, I wanted to play Radio Paradise all around the house but the speaker in the kitchen is a Bose thing (I can’t find Radio Paradise anywhere on it) so I simply Airplayed Radio Paradise from my iPhone to all of the speakers. Worked fine for me.

You can’t add a custom radio station on the Bose?

There might be some way of adding a custom radio station to the Bose but I couldn’t figure it out. It’s not my own speaker (I’m currently in a rented house) so I’m not going to involve myself spending too much time on it.

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