Hi Everyone
I need some help, I have a Nac 82 with a HiCap & Snaps. I have just got a second HiCap on its way. My question is which way do I power them up. My current HiCap is linked to my NAP 250 and is into power supply 1 in the NAC 82. The second HiCap will be into power power supply 2 on the NAC 82.
When I power up the system, will it be as follows, snaps on first, then HiCap that’s linked to 250, then the second HiCap and finally the NAP 250.
Also which way do I power up the cd 3.5 & Flat Cap.
Thank you for your help, happy listen.
All that really matters is that you switch the 250 on last, and off first.
Snaps? What is that doing or do you mean napsc? As HH as said just put HCs and napsc on, then 250. Youll need to wait 30s or so before 82 unmutes itself.
The SNAPS (Super Naim Audio Power Supply) was the successor to the NAPS - I’ll let you work it out! - and the predecessor to the Hicap.
I tried a second hicap, then got a good px deal on a SC through TTA, a killer move, it’s sublime
Tom Tom Audio, if you don’t know them, great service
I did mean napsc, sorry.
The Hicaps ought to be matched in type (Olive etc) and serviced closely dated to each other.
Napsc i get. Don’t think an 82 can work without it ( 282 certainly cant). Although HH has educated me on what a snaps is/was too.