Naim Olive Upgrade

Good morning one and all,

So I have finally bit the bullet and bought an olive Hicap and an olive Nap180 (wanted the bigger box/slightly more power to the 140).
I will be using temporarily on a Nac90 until I find a Nac72 or Nac82.
What is the deal with cabling?
I cannot seem to find a diagram for this configuration…
Any help would be massively appreciated.



What pre amp are you using?

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I am assuming that your post re ‘Nac90’ is a typo as you show a NAC92 in your profile. Hope this helps

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Don’t overlook the 180’s natural partner the 102 it’s full width and with a HC and a Napsc it will bring you close to the 82 for half the cost.


Sorry but the Nac 102 is a preamp to avoid,not so musical for being a Naim Preamp, in my opinion much better to go for a Nac 72 ,if you have the money go for a Nac 82.


Don’t be sorry it’s your opinion not mine and I do agree the 82 is better.


And a third view…

The 102 is good - for a budget preamp designed to work with budget kit. Imho a 72 is a good deal better and an 82 is a good deal better than that.


Hicap, 72, 180 is a lovely combination.


Yeah, I meant Nac92. Early morning typo

At the moment NAC92, looking for either a 72, 82 or 102…not sure yet

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If you can afford it, the 82 is the one to go for. I had a 102/180 and when I upgraded to the 82 it was like getting a free power amp upgrade at the same time. The price difference is a few £’00s and well worth it. A move to an olive 250 would be the icing on the cake, as it’s way better than the 180 and not silly money more. The olive stuff is a great bargain and looks so lovely.


If you’re planning any further upgrades, the NAC82 is the one to go for as that can be used with two HiCaps or even a SuperCap (a substantial upgrade IMHO), which in turn opens the door for a NAC52 and so it goes on.


I’m leaning towards the 82 and 2 hicaps…
Can you use 2 x 180 as monoblocks??

I know it’s old school, but our system absolutely boogies like nothing else, even our 1 year old granddaughter starts moving in-time with the music when we play her something, incredible to witness! Promising as we were playing her Tool!


Better with one Nap 250 than two passive Nap 180,but 2 x Nap 180 with active crossover is even better, when I have compared.

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I have only been in the Naim world for about 2 years, just learning and listening as I go.
I have a Nait XS2 with a Flatcap XS2, but really prefer the Olive sound. Don’t get me wrong, the Classic equipment is beautiful in sound.
But my primary system will be the olive set up, but want to do it, step by step


Starting the grandkids of on Tool…that’s a good start to a musical life

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Indeed Rob, other things as well but surprised at the response from an 18m old

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The 102/napsc is a very fine preamp. The 82/napsc is simply better.
I have both. I have run both from Hicap (one and two in the case of the 82) and Supercap.
The 82 is the one currently “in service”.

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I too have a fully serviced 102 with CB HiCap again fully serviced with NAPSC partnered with a 200. History wise I have used the above kit with a 62 pre and bought the. 102 because of it’s value for money secondhand. I know that just like our source CDX does not find much favour in the forum But all I can say is trust your ears be wise and get as much bang for your buck