Thanks, nice to know that even the smallest part of the chain has an impact, I will try
I wouldn’t take in some of the scepticism on here. The PowerLines work and are a real upgrade over the stock cables. They do burn-in also, at least that’s been the experience here with all three of mine. No regrets whatsoever three years after purchasing of them. Try-in-it, believe-in-it, crank it, listen to it, foot tap it, dance it, sing it.
The reason Naim warn against separate banana plugs is for a few reasons, but mainly to ensure that the torsional stress of the cable on the plug is somewhat relieved - important in letting the plug find the most natural fit within the socket for best contact and also critical in preventing damage with those items that have PCB mounted sockets. The Super lumina plugs have special articulated plugs that effectively do similar, so no Siamesed housing a la Naim SA8 is required.
Conversely, and for balance, the power cables Naim see fit to provide with which ever level of product you buy is selected to correctly match and to overspend on a different power line and expect to hear any difference from your kit is in my opinion a waste of money.
Well; in that case, buy something else. It’s very simple. Thank you for your enlightenment
That would be interesting to see.
Reads good though.
Naim have moved on from circuit board mounted speaker sockets. Mostly chassis’s mounted in recent times. Bearing in mind we are dealing with NAC A5 cable here. Real cable - uncompromising.
Yes, nobody is realistically going to be using Super Lumina cable on a NAP90 or an old NAIT and also it doesn’t feel as torsionally stiff as NACA5. Naim’s warning was very real, as a number of amps with the PCB mounted sockets would end up needing repair where someone had decided to use separate bananas on their NACA5 in place of the SA8s.
Just seeing if you’re paying attention…
I do like the way that my SA8 plug pins support each other but often wondered if it hid one socket being tighter than the other.
But all sounds great.
The pins don’t support each other. If assembled correctly the pins are not coupled to the black plastic housing. They should ‘float’ free of the box insofar as the stiffness of NACA5 allows.
And after making up 8 runs today I can tell you it’s tough to get them floating “nice”
Change over from K20. To NacA5
Indeed, you need to get the soldering just right.
I found power lines improved my system when I added them which was one at a time back in the day.
Each one added allowed more of the Naim goodness to be heard! (Including a 555ps)
Sadly the price of them got silly £395 at launch was ok but £650 ish today.
As a second hand purchase they are worthwhile
Give it a day or so and then remove, that’s when you can usually assess the value.
I would be surprised if you didn’t hear the difference.