Naim pricing policy

Not almost odd, almost even.

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Before I retired I was a director of an international importation and distribution business. Our price to the consumer was based on the cost to us from the maunufacturer and import costs, plus a standard added percentage of profit on return, and then the Value Added Tax, Therefore the cosumer price was always going to be of varying amounts, i.e. anything from £?.00p to £?.99p, so of course these could be viewed as random, but they are not, they are based on a format.
However, what I don’t like about Naims retail pricing, is that they are worked backwards, they must be with 24 of 33 items on their price list ending in 99 or even 999 and therefore, they are contrived.
I don’t mind toothpaste, or cereals, etc., and other low value items on sale in a supermarket doing this, it’s understandable. But an £85,000 pre-amp being sold at £84,999, doesn’t seem honourable to me. It’s nonsense.

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Regardless of pricing, I have noticed a latent trend within a range of posts from our retail friends that with the arrival of the 300 Series, all that is required is a demo of the 200 Series followed by the 300 Series showing the inevitable improvement in SQ, etc. and hey presto a 300 Series sale!

Now, if I had the wherewithal and the real estate to accommodate a 300 Series full set and appropriate speakers, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy just that. However, I did not and moved to a 200 Series full set from my 272/XPS DR/250 DR and have been thoroughly delighted with both the technology and performance step up.

It’s therefore a little disappointing to see the ‘new’ 200 Series seemingly being left in the wake of the ‘new’ 300 Series - both products that are presented as offering a lifetime’s enjoyment. Surely they should be seen as different solutions targeting different audiences?

I know times are tough and dealers really need to maximise their opportunities, but, for many 272 owners, the 200 Series represents a serious cost increase and possibly their ‘forever’ option, the 300 doubly so and possibly/probably out of reach, particularly with the drop in OC resale/trade in values. It most certainly did for me! The 200 Series should be seen for its own inestimable virtues, not as the 300’s little brother or worse still poor relation.

But then again, what would I know ? :thinking::thinking::thinking:


I had comparative demos of both 200 and 300 series and in the end went 200 series. I wanted to be sure of the right end-game path, as changing later would be more costly. Whilst a 333/332/250 system sounded better than a 222/300/250 system (to my ears, at my dealer’s into Spendor D7.2s) I came away with a 222/250 system. For me, at almost double the cost, the improvement of the 333/332/250 system wasn’t really worth it to me. I may add an NPX 300 later, but my next move will be a speaker upgrade. Maybe those Spendors …….

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It’s the Naim way - you start with a Nait and multiple upgrades later end up with a 500 series system :grinning:

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