Thank you for reaching out regarding the issues with your Naim products and Google Cast/Home.
Naim in the UK is aware of the problem and is actively working with Google to find a resolution. At this time, we do not have an estimated timeline for a fix, as any solution will need to be thoroughly tested to ensure it works properly and does not introduce new issues.
Once ready, the update will be released as an app update in the respective app stores.
We appreciate your patience and are optimistic that the issue will be resolved soon.
Now, to give Naim the benefit of the doubt (and I’m not sure I should), they may be referring to another problem I reported at the same time.
As for the response you got, I would note that I have a dozen or so Nest/ChromeCast devices, but this only happens with my Nova. The problem exists on multiple iDevices.
I doubt that the problem is the token as I’ve had the Nova for several years and the problem only started a few months ago.
I will revert to Naim with respect to my own ticket.
Further to the below e-mail, several other Naim users have reported the same issue. In one case, Naim indicated that the problem might be in their phone settings or network setup. I doubt that this is the case for the following reasons:
The Nova is connected by Ethernet to a satellite on my mesh network. I have had no other problems with it. I have a Muso 2 connected to the same satellite and it has not exhibited this behavior. Nor has my ND5 XS2, nor my QB 2 which is on wi-fi.
Over the period during which I’ve had the problem, I have done several resets on the Nova and my router, but the problem remains.
I have the problem on multiple Apple devices (tested 3 iPhones and an iPad). The issues sprouted up one by one on the various devices over time.
I’ve had the Nova for several years and this problem only began to occur several months ago. I had not made relevant changes to my iDevice set-up. Indeed, for the older iPhones (used as iPods), I hadn’t made any changes in years except updating iOS versions.
I have about a dozen items in Google Home. The Nova is the only one suffering this problem.
Clearly this is a bizarre quirk. It doesn’t even affect all my Naim streamers. But it’s real and only applies to my Nova. Moreover, others have experienced the same problem with Naim streamers. Logic suggests it is a disconnect between the Google app and the Naim firmware, but there is no way for me to investigate either of those.
Please advise.
Because of the way the problem infected one iOS device at a time, my best theory is that the problem is tied into a Google Home update, and was triggered whenever the iDevice silently downloaded the update.
That worked for me with my Muso but not with my Nova, and I’ve had some issues with resetting my Nova - all resolved in the end - so I’m chary of doing it.
Also I don’t see myself using voice commands for my Nova, which is used primarily with my music server and Qobuz. I’m much more likely to use voice commands for Internet radio with my Muso and QB.