Naim Uniti Atom - Stuck in update loop!

Having forgotten the nightmare I had last time there was an update I foolishly applied the moste recent one while in the festive spirit. Once again it’s ended up stuck on the update screen with a flashing power button :frowning: . I’ve tried unplugging the power overnight and holding down the play/input buttons during power up. It just goes into the update cycle with the occasional momentary visit to the splash screen before ending up back at the update screen.

Any other suggestions before I take solace in a bottle of Gin?

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happened to me. left in cca. 1 hour on power (after noticed freeze) and then shut it power off by plugging cable off. when I turned it in, it was all-ready updated.

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I think I waited 5 days last time! I preferred using a USB lead on the Unitiqute2!


As a 30 year Naim user I am finding this a joke and unacceptable

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Five days powered on seemingly in an update loop? I’m having an issue with my mu-so 2 currently and I’m wondering whether I should simply leave it powered on for a couple of days…

Well it’s been powered down all over Xmas and powering up just now (with the 2 middle buttons pressed) still drops me back into the permanent update loop!!! I suppose I’ll have to take it to a dealer😱

Is the Atom wifi or ethernet connected to your router ?

I upgraded a friend’s Atom last week and it performs two restarts before eventually completing in just over 10mins.

You might try and ethernet connect the Atom to the router just in case you are using wifi. Just move the atom adjacent to the router for the upgrade period.

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It’s connected via Ethernet, I’m not sure that it has anything to do with the internet connection as it won’t reset and has been unusable for 3 weeks!

Progress….of sorts. As a final resort before boxing it up to go to the nearest dealer I tried a factory reset with the Ethernet cable unplugged, I’d tried this once before without success!
This time it didn’t go straight from the logo screen to ‘updating’ but stayed on the logo screen while the white progress bar did a couple sweeps before ending up with a blank screen. Going through the setup progress gets as far as pairing the remote so I can switch the Atom on and off now!

Unfortunately that’s it, there nothing on the screen but at least the on off button now works! Going through the Naim at setup does nothing, I’m thinking that the firmware is well and truly broken :slightly_frowning_face:

I’ll try unplugging it for 24 hours to see if it will resurrect itself. It was never this much fun with a NAD 3020!

I think you probably have a hardware fault. The firmware itself works on large numbers of Atoms with no problem. Naim support is back on Monday, so you could talk to them and they will undoubtedly have some suggestions.

Well I waited 20 min before powering it back up with the Ethernet cable connected. Logo screen appears, white progress bar moves from left to right then the dreaded ‘updating’ screen reappears! My expletives were cut short when instead of ending up with a flashing power light the bloody thing actually installed the firmware and ended up on the setup screen!!!

All now working perfectly after a couple of reboots, I’ll not be doing any more firmware updates on this device as it’s clearly got a problem with the way it handles them.


Oh that’s good news!

I doubt that you will have any more problems with updating your Atom. The first time I updated my Nova it hung for hours until I eventually restarted it. I have done many firmware updates since including lots of betas and had no problems since that first time.

I’m having the same issues with my Uniti Star and are unsure whether I can resolve it. I had issues a year ago where I couldn’t reboot it after a power cut. I tired numerous long power offs and factory resets without success. The local hi-fi shop had a look and found it was working after a factory reset and couldn’t find a fault. It also occasional goes into shut-down from over heating.

This time with the firmware update, it was stuck in the update loop. After many resets, I’ve have now managed to get to the menu to pair the remote and have not been able to pair the remote. I usually run it on wifi, but have also tried a wired connection. The last time I just powered up without a reset and I’m still getting stuck at the pair-remote screen. I’m currently at the 2, 6, 2 error flash, but have also had both 4, 1, 3 and 4, 2, 5.

I read another thread where there was a suggestion that this can happen due to loose ribbon connection on the volume control? That’s something I could get looked at, or try a DIY?

Does @davidhendon or anyone else have a suggestion please?

Sorry Mike I haven’t any immediate suggestion beyond what you are already doing.

I wonder whether @NeilS can interpret the error messages for us please?

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I got this after eventually breaking it out of the never ending update loop. As I recall I fixed it with 2 or 3 factory resets with the ethernet cable reconnected.

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4,1,3 relates to an I2C comms issue with the volume control LEDs.
2,6,2 & 4,2,5 both relate to comms issues between the NP800 & ARM controller.
Worth checking the ribbon between the display & volume control if you can - you may get lucky.


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Thanks Neil, that’s very helpful. I did actually get it running on a wired connection this afternoon, but it wouldn’t connect using wi-fi. Unfortunately when I rebooted it to try and resolve that I’m now back in the upgrade loop. I’ll rest it over night and if I can get it running wired again I’ll try to set up a wifi connection with a router re-boot as well. I need wired for the room that it’s in, but I could use a spare wi-fi extender with an ethernet output that I have, as a plan B.

My local hifi repair show are agents for Westan, the Naim distributor here in New Zealand, so I’ll get them to check the ribbon if I can’t resolve it. If it’s the comms between the NP800 & ARM, is that something that can be fixed in New Zealand?

Sorry Mike, I have no idea, you’d have to check with them.


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Does anyone now the screw type on the Unitis? Are they hex sockets?

Is this what it’s come to for us Australasia customers – Self Service! :roll_eyes: :rofl:

I’ve just had a look at one of my Atoms Mike as I currently have it boxed…I’m presuming all the Uniti range will be similar/same assembly.

Seems to be standard Torx (not tamperproof) and T10 seemed to be the right size for the flat rear screws on the rear…
I’m presuming (?) there’s screws underneath (under the feet?) that may be the way into the case, I’m not sure…Unless the rear screws allow the innards to slide out sled-like…?


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