Naim Uniti Core not backing up


I realize this post has been brought up before but I’m experiencing backup errors with my Uniti Core that I can’t seem to resolve.

I purchased the Uniti Core in 2021 and it’s been working very well and I’ve never had an issue with a backup until a few months ago.

I get a nondescript error message and after reformatting my external 2TB drive as either NTFS or Mac I get the same result.

I’ve deleted files/albums where the Core would stop - that previously were backed up without issue - and also have the same result with an error at the same number of files (location).

From researching a previous post I did a full reset on my Core and then tried again with the same result.

I purchased a new external 2TB hard drive and tried that with the same error - my original external drive is a WD and my new one is a Samsung - same error result.

At this time I’m thinking I have a partially corrupted internal hard drive - which is the Samsung 870 EVO sata drive and that I should either replace it or reformat it and reload my library which would, hopefully, fix the problem.

Is there anything else I could do perform taking such a drastic measure? Are there Naim disc utility tools that I could run? Can I run other 3rd-party tools on it as a network (SMB) drive?

Any thoughts would be beneficial.



There are no Naim utility tools available to us customers.

I think the idea of a new SSD and restore an original backup to it is an obvious thing to try. The Samsung 870 EVO is very reliable but of course anything may fail. But nevertheless I would try the same SSD again. If the music store gets more than 90% full or thereabouts, it can behave unpredictably, so buy an SSD that has plenty of room. Do let us know how you get on.

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Thanks for the input, I’ll try reformatting the 870 EVO and reload my library from my source files.

I have a 2tb drive and only 1.2tb of files so I’m not close to the 90% upper limit.

Thanks again,


You could do that. But it’s very unusual for files in the Core to be damaged. Indeed I never heard of that happening before and I have been close to the Core since its introduction. So if you can find the money, I would suggest buy a new SSD rather than just reformatting the old one.

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To me then, that would still mean that’s there an issue with the 870 or how the files are put onto the drive. Since I can’t look at drive sectors or how the contiguous space is being used on the drive - well maybe I could if I removed the drive and installed it into an external case and then run Disk Utilities that way - but I don’t know if the Naim application creates anything special (proprietary) on the actual drive as it’s installed on the Naim.

At this point I don’t expect the files themselves to be damaged but, possibly, how the Naim application keeps track of files - there’s got to be a map or a tree on there somewhere - and possibly bad sectors which are preventing reads/writes from happening properly.

Just thinking out loud. I should probably just install a new drive. Still, I’d like to better understand the issue and if there’s a preventable root cause.

Thanks again,


There’s a lot of information in this long posting (which is also in the Core FAQ in this forum). I suggest you read this before you do anything. You may find your answers here already, or at least some pointers.

Thanks for the link. That closely matches my past observations as well.
