Hi does anyone still have the PDF on how to set up QNAP shares for UnitiServe? None of the links to Naim’s site still work. Or does anyone know how to do this, checked all the usual permissions, SMB1 etc etc still no joy.
Many thanks
Hi does anyone still have the PDF on how to set up QNAP shares for UnitiServe? None of the links to Naim’s site still work. Or does anyone know how to do this, checked all the usual permissions, SMB1 etc etc still no joy.
Many thanks
@ChrisSU will probably be able to help…
Or failing that, give Naim Technical Support a ring.
There you go……
It’s dated, but you should hopefully get the jist.
Thanks, it shouldnt be this hard
OK still need help, I get PingHost: Socket Exception - The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for. most bizarre message
Or I get Error 71 if I use hostname instead of IP address
Any advice welcome, thanks
Bin it and get a modern server, you are fighting 2008 technology.
Thanks but I’m determined, I’ve solved the issue. QNAP have SMB v1 turned off and you can only enable it via SSH. All working. Next challenge is trying to update to 1.7c its refusing at the moment! I will be victorious! (maybe).
Do you have the update on CD? It’s possible to download and burn the disc image, but Naim used to provide a CD to save you the hassle. Then it’s a simple matter of shoving the disc into the slot and waiting a few minutes.
Good luck there! Naim has never put the 1.7c firmware on its website. Your only option is to contact them and they will (should) send you a disk.
Sadly not. I’ve got the ISO, burnt it to CD, verified it has the folder update containing NSSRV_update_v1.7c.zip. insert, wait, CD ejected and then nothing. I’ve waited, I’ve restarted, I’ve tried different makes of CD, different speeds etc etc. Nothing. Its like US is not recognising the files. It feels like the update service on the NS isn’t running, or that its not seeing the CD as an update. I’ve emailed Duncan at Naim who is being really helpful but still not joy. If only you could get the admin passwords for the XP embedded you could start the update manually.
Any ideas welcome, apart from junk it or send it to Naim
The update is a disc image, so you have to burn a CD with that image. But maybe you know that already? You also have to have the US already on 1.7b before the update to 1.7c.
Indeed, frustratingly, on 1.7b, burnt the ISO on both Mac and PC nothing happens. also tried to build CD manually with just update folder. its seeing the CD but whatever auto update process doesn’t appear to start. I wish I could get to the command line but they have XP Embedded locked down so nothing works.
You could ask Naim support for advice. They may not have experience of Unitiserve, but @Stevesky does know all about it, so they could ask him.
I vaguely remember others having similar issues a few years back when burning an ISO image to disc (but no idea if the root cause was ever uncovered). If I remember correctly Naim produced and mailed out a disc for this update. Perhaps you could try asking for that ?
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