I have a Naim Uniti Nova and are upgrading speakers to Figaro M2’s. I current route Analogue Turntable out put through a Cambridge pre amp. Would it make any difference if i upgraded the pre amp too?
There certainly are many much better phono preamps, but what is the end strategy? And how much do you want to spend? And what exactly is the turntable and cartridge - would you be better off upgrading those first?? Will you ultimately upgrade them anyway?
I’d settle on a table and cartridge you think you’ll have for a while and then start thinking about what phono stage would be a good match.
If your intended speakers are these:
I’d suggest that they are far too much for a Nova. It’s really important to get the whole system in balance if you want an enjoyable sound.
If you want to match your speakers, upgrading the Nova to a 222/250 would be worth considering. The 222 includes a phono stage, so there’s a saving!
hi "hungry "
it seems by solving one problem ive created another!! thanks for the feedback and advice
This is FREQUENTLY the case with hi fi. Absent a strategic plan, one can end up with a bunch of hardware that really doesn’t work all that well together and/or that doesn’t match up quality-wise.
This can be most evident with speakers – buying speakers that simply cannot be driven properly by the amp you already own is a non-starter.
This would be contender to this months most unbalanced setup.
Or as they say loudspeakers first