Naim-Wyze Incompatibility

Hi, I recently encountered potentially serious auto switching behaviour with my Naim Nait XS 2 amplifier. May 2nd it started auto flipping between outputs on its own? Cd, Vinyl, Streaming etc would all just play for 5-10mins & Bam! Auto Switch to another channel/output. Obviously this was making me crazy as I didn’t know if the said Amp would switch back to a Med/High volume & damage speakers or other associated components (HiCap DR for one). I started looking at my remotes & isolated them by removing all batts & then secondly, replaced all batteries with new ones. Both situations did nothing to stop this auto switching & it seemed to be preceded by the display lights flashing on/off as well. Called my Dealer who is the Top Notch Guy & Dealer, we tried resets etc, power downs, complete disconnects overnight, Nothing! I have a year of Warranty left so,………….spent the $330 to insure & ship to Montreal. They tested it On for 7days straight, no problems?! Finally received it back after 28 days, hooked it up & Bam! Auto Switching exactly like before? The night before I was going to send it back to Focal/Naim again, my Top Notch Dealer & I were trying everything, nothing fixed it. As I lay in bed pretending to sleep, I had an epiphany, the one electronic device left in my music room was our Wyze Cam Pan security cameras with IR for night monitoring. Wham! Took that camera out of the room (which was pointed directly at the Amps’ IR window btw) & it immediately stopped auto switching & display lites stabilized! Beware of these cameras or anything else with IR signals my friends. SgtRock Out.


I had something similar about 15 years when the burglar alarm remote would set off the car alarm. The burglar alarm key fob was pressed against something and I couldn’t work out why the car alarm was going off. The world of electronics can send signals to wrong devices unfortunately!

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