NAIT 5si RCA or DIN for input?

I have purchased a new NAIT 5si I only have RCA cables for input from a Chord Qutest (CHORD Clearway RCA) it sounds good but was wondering if there is improved performance to be had by using a suitable DIN-RCA input cable?

DIN connections have always sounded better than RCAs on Naim equipment when I’ve tried them.
Whether or not it’s worthwhile when using a non-Naim source that only has RCAs is debatable. Maybe buy an RCA to DIN from a supplier who accepts returns so that you can assess it properly.

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I replaced a pair of RCA cables connecting my dac to my SN3 with a Chord Cobra RCA-DIN cable. I couldn’t hear a difference.

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Most will say yes but in reality no I use RCA always and have done all the remote switching comparisons.
I know others that do the same.
Taste and try and be honest to yourself not the hype. :wink: :+1:t2:


Having tested this during my time at the factory using the same cables terminated with RCA phono and also with DIN, the latter was always preferred. So, all else being equal, go DIN.

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Yes. Once you go single earth, there’s no turning back :wink:

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