NAP 300DR Blown Fuse

Hi all

Rather frustratingly when unplugging things to do the cleaning…I know…I somehow managed to blow the fuse in my 300DR plugging it back in. I have accessed the spare one in the back; but then, despite being really careful, I managed to drop it on the floor. It is fine, but I am now wondering which way up it should go…grrrr.

The markings on the fuse are very hard to read, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether they are directional or not? If yes, how do I work out which was is up?

Thanks as always, Nick

The FAQ’s are your friend, but you may need a very strong magnifying glass !

Equipment Fuses - Frequently Asked Questions - Naim Audio - Community

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Do you mind if I check with you as I must admit I found this description a bit confusing:

“If the kite safety mark is embossed on the edge of the of the fuse’s conductive cap the fuse value should point towards the bottom of the fuse holder…"

My fuse has the kite mark on the edge, so does that mean the end with the kite mark should be at the top and the end with the fuse value at the bottom like so:

It reads ( & directs) that way to my reading i.e. 250V symbol down when inserting. However, I think best to see another learned view:

@Richard.Dane / perhaps others, can you confirm?


p.s. when I send my kit in for service/thankfully rare breakdown, I put a note in asking for the fuse to be checked, as the ones I’ve seen need a microscope to read the detailing.

p.s. to your original post. IME, blowing fuses is often caused by age and also not inserting the power cable fully home.

Thanks and agreed they are very hard to read. I took multiple photos and zoomed in to be able to read it properly. I think the fuse value is listed on the back of the fuse pop out drawer but that is even harder to read unless you take your Fraim apart! I’ve put it in now and everything is working fine :+1:

Yes, Kite mark at top, fuse value at bottom. Unless you’re south of the equator… :wink:


My guess is I didn’t insert the cable fully back in. Lesson learned is to insert the cable into the box fully first, check it and then plug it into a socket. I did it the other way round and so it must have shorted when I did not insert it again correctly.

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Thanks Richard

FYI, if you don’t know, if you’re using Naim’s Powerlines, the guidance is to insert (with a stiff push) and then pull back very slightly, which then enables the connector to ‘relax’ (as it’s designed to do). This said, I’ve never detected any ‘relaxation’…and the fuses work whether up the right way or not.

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