Nas Unitiserve

Ho sempre ascoltato con piacere musica liquida (flac) ripped con EAC dal PC, memorizzati su un HDD collegato ad uno streamer (ND5 XS2), con USB. Ho acquistato un UNITISERVE che ho collegati direttamente via ethernet. Ho quindi rippato con esso alcuni cd ed ho confrontato l’ascolto tra le due soluzioni. Purtroppo non ho notato miglioramenti. ho sentito varie versioni al riguardo: chi dice che il ripped sia superiore ma non l’ascolto, chi sostiene il contrario. Al mio ascolto, non cambia nulla.

Impressioni o esperienze in merito?

I have always enjoyed listening to liquid music (flac) ripped with EAC from the PC, stored on a HDD connected to a streamer (ND5 XS2), with USB. I bought a UNITISERVE which I connected directly via ethernet. I then ripped some CDs with it and compared the listening between the two solutions. Unfortunately, I haven’t noticed any improvements. I’ve heard various versions about it: those who say that the ripped is superior but I don’t listen to it, those who claim the opposite. To my listening, nothing changes.

Impressions or experiences about it?

I wouldn’t expect there to be much difference at all between a Unitiserve and a ripped file from an HDD connected to an ND5 XS 2. If you set the Unitiserve to rip in WAV, you might hear a difference, but it will be minimal.


Ho rippato in wav…

I ripped to wav …

I would recommend saving your Unitiserve CD rips as FLAC. This is because you may want to use the rips on non-Naim devices in future, in which case you may find that they can not read the metadata from the WAV file tou will not have this problem if you convert to FLAC on the Unitiserve.

The difference is heard if you connect a high quality linear ps to the Unitserve.
Good quality switch ( Cisco 2960) , English Electric, Etheregen, and musical ethernet cables ( see some threads in the forum on it).
So unfortunately it has a cost.

I had the Unitserve before and it sounded very similar to a memory stick connected to my Nds. But then I upgraded my network step by step, and the sound was upgraded each time.

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