NAS warning about ransomware

So! how did it go & wadaya think?

Reasonably straightforward, it took about half an hour to do all the updates, and I took the opportunity to rework logon names and passwords (admin/admin is a bit obvious, I suppose :laughing: )

After that, everything else seems OK - one of the share “drives” went AWOL for a time but that’s now fixed, and I left it at that for today.

I noticed that there’s an option to install Minimserver, which I will play with tomorrow, and the apps background is a nice photo - Antelope Canyon, I assume.

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I would always turn off uPnP and remove any port forwarding on your router to protect vulnerable devices like a NAS drive or ip camera.

Many routers use technologies called UPnP and port forwarding to allow devices to find other devices within your network. Unfortunately, cyber criminals can exploit these technologies to potentially access devices on your network, such as smart cameras. To avoid this risk you should consider disabling UPnP and port forwarding on your router - check your router’s manual or the manufacturer’s website for details about how to do this.

Source: The National Cyber Security Centre

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Its this sort of curiosity that gets you a virus, lol.

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Not if you understand enough to check the script over…

and actually DO check it!

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