Nautical help needed

Thank you for the reply. I’m hoping we can find someone local to repair the binding.

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Find someone to fix it - they will have rope… :thinking:


For many years we had a friend who would travel from Bristol to Hawes because the ropemaker there made the best halters.
The original owners have apparently retired, but the remaining workers have set up as Outhwaite Ropemakers. May be worth enquiring.


OK, thank you.

I would back up @catswhiskers. Hawes is a few miles from me and the ropemakers there have a very positive local reputation.

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Well it’s a good excuse to visit God’s Own County. Thank you.

Sounds like the sort of job for BBCs repair shop

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Moody’s boatyard on the Hamble river in sarf ‘Ampshire could be a good place. (Caveat, I’m not a yachtie, but they are big on that sort of stuff.)

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Thanks :+1:

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