NC 250 Auto Standby not working?

Dealer was brilliant so we’ve come up with a plan to resolve the issue.

Every cloud etc…

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The plan is…

As the 250 would need to go back to Salisbury for a fix, I did some man maths and a pair of 350s will be with me on Thursday :grinning:


New term for me, but I recognise the trick… :crazy_face:

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Well that’s one way to fix the issue…!


@james_n my ‘man maths’ decided going from 250DR to NC250 wasn’t worth it either, so my 350’s are warming up nicely (had them since Friday)! They are bloomin heavy so watch your fingers on the heatsinks :slight_smile:

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Top marks for creative accounting and problem solving. Now that’s a three box system I’d like to hear. Enjoy.

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I clearly need a new calculator, but kudos to you @james_n for creativity in problem solving on this occasion!

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A good result. Fingers crossed the Auto Standby works on these !


Mine clearly needs looking at, try as I may I can’t get any Auto wake/sleep behaviour.
I ran it 24/7 for so long from new, once I did put it to standby I just pressed the button out of habit anyway once I was done for the day (rather than leaving it to auto itself).
Maybe I should just accept the same “sign” as you have :hugs:

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That’s a bit of a pain. I suspect if these are being used with the automation link in a NC setup, or left at instant on with a mixed OC / non Naim setup then it wouldn’t be noticed - I’m curious as to what the actual issue was with the early ones which needed fixing.

Back in the day, it would have just been left on 24/7 but as the auto standby option is there and the amp comes on song quickly enough, then it’s a handy facility to have.

One more day before the price goes up….:wink:

…and I’m off to HiFiLounge tomorrow :persevere:

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Fantastic! They are simply amazing :slightly_smiling_face:

Man maths … love it … there’s a lot of that going on here right now :joy:


Mine always creates the same sum, you’re overdrawn, you still have to do a big food shop this week, the kids school fees are due very soon, do NOT visit any hifi shops :man_facepalming:t2:


As an FYI, I boxed my NAP250 up today and had it setup in my dealers 200 Series demo system, still no dice on the standby working.
So it’s heading back to Salisbury for a health check.
I’ll report back on the cycle here in case anyone else is in the same boat.
Alas, no NAP350’s inbound this week :laughing:

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Report back what they find, please :+1:

Will do, we did check it in their system first, I think Naim tech support were trying to eliminate any obvious “user error” causes as a first pass.
We quickly proved it output audio but didn’t auto anything.
I’m off skiing next week anyway so won’t miss it!
Enjoy your inbound 350’s, sure to be a nice treat.

That’s worked out pretty well, timing wise. Enjoy your skiing !

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My 250 has returned from Salisbury. It needed a ‘modification” but the job note gave no further specifics. We assumed it was something particular to early uk built units that was addressed later with the modification just becoming part of the usual manufacturing.
It sleeps and wakes as expected now anyway, took a few weeks to loop there and back,

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Thanks for the update and it’s good you got it sorted out pretty quickly. That reminds me, I’ve not tried the auto standby setting on my (not so) new amps yet…:crossed_fingers: