ND5 XS – Mysterious Error Message

Hello Naim Community,

A few weeks ago, I sent my ND5 XS to Naim Service for a display repair. The issue was fixed perfectly, but now, whenever I switch on the streamer, I get the message: “Two power supplies, disconnect internal.”

The streamer connects to my home network via Wi-Fi, and I can select sources through the Naim app, but no audio signal is being passed through - the ND5 XS remains silent. Initially, I could get it working again by turning it off and on, but that trick no longer helps.

Has anyone encountered this error before? Is there a way to fix it without having to send it back to Naim?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Are you using an xps?
Check the xps power supply dongle is properly fitted.

Thank you for the hint. I had already checked that. I also considered the possibility that the plug might be defective. At one point, I accidentally tried to unscrew it, which resulted in the plastic cover coming loose and exposing the wiring. However, after consulting Naim, my dealer said that this is an unlikely cause of the issue and that the streamer would need to be sent in for repair. No xps.

Would it be possible to get a replacement cover as a spare part?