If you get a Naim dac, it will keep the Naim sound in your system.
Slightly different question: is it possible BTW to connect the ND5XS2’s RCA output to a headphone amp and the DIN one to say a NAC202 at the same time, without changing settings?
The output settings do allow for DIN + RCA together, if that’s any help?
That’s exactly the info I needed, thanks!
It’s possible, but you should expect a small loss of sound quality. No harm in trying though.
Another vote here for the Naim DAC (not the V1). Not sure I’d go with ebay but try HiFi Shark, HiFi Zero, and US/UK audiomart. There are several available for under £1000.
Why not?
Too many examples of scams (read through them on this forum).
Yes, but if you know how to avoid those obvious scams, Ebay is a good source of gear.
It’s where I have bought and sold most of my hifi gear (and many other items) for a long time.
Also PFM.
In the US, USAudioMart/CanuckAudioMart and Audiogon provide a better platform to buy/sell hifi than eBay, in my experience. USAudioMart in particular, listings are more fluid as there are no fees.
There are now no selling fees on eBay UK
so what is the business model then? Don’t use ebay myself
eBay take a percentage of the proceeds of sales. If an item doesn’t sell they receive nothing
I’m not sure if all selling fees are waived, I did think the limit was 1000 items, but haven’t checked in a while, I sell on eBay occasionally, but nowhere near 1000 items in total, let alone in a given time period!
edit: 300 item/month for private UK sellers, 35p per item thereafter. It also says no final value fee, so maybe that means no percentage of sales proceeds too!? Plenty of other fees apply, so I don’t think eBay need much sympathy
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