Nd5xs2 through active DBLs, shouldnt sound that good should it??
It sounds bloody glorious
I use ND5XS2 into NDS via DC1 - sounds much more glorious than the DAC in the streamer.
Have you had Naim streamers before or do you mainly use vinyl and radio?
I use a ND5xs2/DC1/nDAC/PS555DR and it sounds absolutely fabulous
I had exactly that for years before replacing my beloved Naim DAC with an NDS, and the NDS is more glorious - but the nDAC also had a lovely enjoyable sound with great bass.
Cracking setup @Mario, is it an active 300?
Only started to stream, pretty impressed so far. Normally vinyl and cd with a bit of radio.
Yes, when I started streaming about six years ago with my 272/555DR, I was blown away by the ability to play almost any music and discover almost any music.
And the best sound quality I’d ever heard.
It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying streaming with Naim.
It’s also nice to think that in a wonderful system like yours, you might be able to upgrade your streaming front end within the Naim range if you ever feel like doing that in future.
Absolutely just a foot in the door the ND5XS2, I’m already thinking that a NSS333 may be the next step as I have a nait XS that the ND5 would be a perfect match for the another system.
I have a cds3 555PS (non DR) and although it is better, it’s not that much better, but it should be. Maybe the cd player is getting old, but streaming is a lot better than I was led to believe sound quality wise.
It seems from the photo that your system is predominantly OC green logo’d that a green ND555 will look more complimentary and sound better that the white logo’d NS333.
And for extra enjoyment, you could temporarily place the PS555 (from the CDS3) onto a ND555 for dual power supplies.
Yes you are right, all green logos but the ND555 is pricey and my 555 is non DR. Things will eventually go white any way, its based around 552 300 250 250 active dbls so a mullet in the streaming sense, but its sounding incredibly good.
I bought an ND5 SX 2 last week as a better source for my Uniti/SBLs. I hadn’t quite realised just how well Naim knew what they were doing. Music has more air and space, the soundstage is better, tone seems more natural and that fast transient timing is better than ever. It’s stunning.
Very well described, ive got it right under the microscope in my system, and it is just so good. Im finally starting to believe naim when they say streaming is better than cd, it seems to have even finer resolution but still plenty of raw musical power too. Im really impressed with it.
With the ND5xs2 having the same NP800 as the more expensive Naim streamers, they have introduced many more model combinations of Naim streamers for us:
By electing to use the ND5xs2 with either a nDAC or NDS, we have the benefit of the dual mono PCM1704K DACs , and then adding either XPS / XPSDR / PS555 / PS555DR power supplies , the added benefit of improved sound at various price points.
This truly is a significant product (ND5xs2) that reaches many intermediary model choices for Naim clients, sitting between the NDX2 and the ND555.
I myself prior to streaming, was content with a Core/nDAC that replaced a dead CD player. Adding a PS555DR seemed logical and turned out to be amazingly musical.
A significant price war amongst Australian Naim importers, opened the door to very affordable Naim streaming to the benefit of local clients.
By adding an ND5xs2 to my existing nDAC/PS555DR, I was astonished to hear how good Naim streaming was compared to my Core.
I am externally grateful to the Naim developers for letting us have the ND5xs2 retrofit to nDAC & NDS installations.
Hi im new to Naim and have the older Ndx into Dynaudio Focus Xd 400. Sounds amazing. I also use a Cyrus XT Signature cd transport into the Ndx. Much better than the previous Cyrus preamplifier. Really simplified my set up too. Next up will be an Nds i think. Thank you for sharing.
Interesting to read on the ND5 SX2 as I too have just bought one to essentially replace the 272’s streaming issues that I’ve been experiencing over the years; in view that the streaming section of the 272 is somewhat outdated (from what I’ve been reading) thought of replacing it with the ND5 SX2. Have yet to hook it up to the 272/PS555DR/pair of NC350’s as am waiting on a new cabinet to fit all in, thus have been using a Uniti Nova for the time being, so elected to experiment on the SQ of the Nova’s streaming with that of the ND5 SX2: the latter is more of a laid back and more dynamic in it’s presentation, overall more natural. The Nova’s streaming section is bright and more of an at you presentation - not as well refined, all very good mind you but the ND5 SX2 is superior - not by much though, but still superior. Can’t wait to hook up the 272/PS555DR/350’s/core/ND5 SX2/Nola Contender S3’s.
Im sure im the only one using such an entry product into one of naims most musical systems,
552dr snaxo supercap dr 300dr 250dr 250dr into active dbls, it sounds bloody marvellous! Got it at an amazing price cause of whats going on here in Australia, so had no intension of buying a digital front end that suited my system as my main source is an almost klimax lp12, but the platter has hardly spun since the nd5xs2 arrived. A great product! Love it! And how it controls my 552 with volume source selection and mute is just so good for a preamp that was designed 20 years ago. Still love naim, even if the ride in Oz has been a bit bumpy of late