NDX (original) with XPS-DR vs ND5 XS2

Thanks Nick.Lees!
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Do take good care of yourself. I wish I had a good answer for you for future care or spending… However If I had your system, I’d just enjoy the hell out of it as I’m sure it’s fantastic.


Cheers! I await my first medication, and receive inspiration from my wife who also has Parkinson’s (we can blame a shared mis-spent chemical past!).

The system is a source of joy, though I still remember the thrill of playing In The Land Of Grey And Pink on my first stereo from Lasky’s in 1972: Garrard SP25/Shure M75ED, Teleton amp, Wharfedale Dentons - all of which sat on the floor of our bedsit, and wonder what a long strange trip it’s been.


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