NDX2 firmware updates

Hi all, commenced a firmware update 12 hours ago (overnight) and unit only displaying a flashing on/off button. Slow ? or do I need to do something to it to re-activate the unit. Can’t quite believe a firmware update takes more than a minutes or an hour tops ! As always, thanks in advance, Mark

It must have got stuck/interrupted. I guess you will have to reboot the NDX2.

Was the problem solved with a simple reboot? Hope so!

Thanks CliveB and Blacknote, the reboot worked. Firmware up to date. The naim software gremlins acting up again !!!


Happy to hear that you solved the issue! Enjoy your music!

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I’m wondering if it would be a good idea to always reboot your device before starting an update. This will ensure a consistent state, and more likely replicate what people testing the update would do.

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I’ve done heaps of firmware updates as part of the Beta group and have not once rebooted before installing. Touch wood, every update has been absolutely fine. Rebooting is just not necessary.

I’m sure it would be fine most of the time, but like most operating systems (although Linux a lot less), they do gain from the occasional reboot to clear down caches and potential memory corruption. It might also explain why the occasional firmware install fails/hangs, then works after a reboot.

In simple terms, in the computing world a software update can update/replace parts of code that have already been loaded in memory and executed and is “running”.

Therefore, it can be necessary to reload, or restart, that code in order to load and execute the new “version”
The simplest way to achieve this is often to just restart the entire system, rather than just the effected running process individually.

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In the NDX2 etc firmware updates, there is usually at least one and often more restarts. I don’t think it’s necessary to do a restart before starting an update. If it were necessary then Naim would certainly tell customers to do that.

But it can’t do any harm if someone wants to do it of course.

Kinda scary that we encounter such a “gremlin” updating a $9000 system component…


I have never had any issues updating my Naim streamer. I think the few that do have problems come on here to understandably grumble. Meanwhile the vast majority of us just get on with updating and listening to music without complaint…

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I recently did a firmware on my Star, mid-evening, expecting to be fairly brief, but after a couple of hours with just update in progress on the screen, and a pulsing on/off switch I decided to leave it overnight. The following morning, no change, so I decided to switch off at the mains plug. Fortunately, on switching it on it restarted, but wouldn’t detect the rear USB socket, so switched off at the mains again, plugged in the SSHD, switched on and bingo, all seems to be well. It also now shows more detail when ripping, so I’m happy. So far.

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