NDX2 Hugo TT2

I ran a tt2 into a Chord ultima 6 for quite a while and it worked fine but with the chord pre 3 I’ve just put on there is a significant improvement

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Although I have not tried a Cord pre, your experience here chimes with what I have heard from several… including with DAVE. I can say I am preferring DAVE into the NAIT 50 with its integrated pre than when it was driving my Etude directly… even though the Etude is a more powerful and most likely a more refined power amp compared the Nait50…
I do run DAVE in preamp mode so I can use its remote volume control… :sunglasses:


At the Dublin hi-fi show the Cord sales team said a preamp improve the results.


It’s been a bit of a revelation and a game changer for me. Wish I’d added it earlier but very glad I have now

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Had an in home demo for a couple days of a TT2 connected to the NDX2 into my SN3. I did some good A/B comparisons and kind of feel like the presentation of the NDX2 without the TT2 was better to my ears. The TT2 opened up some more room to the sound but was just a bit too bright for my liking. It also seemed like the TT2 moved everything somewhat back behind the speakers where the NDX2 brought it forward. It would be nice to try a Dave at some point but I may look to put a power supply on the NDX2. If I could find a SXPS burndy I could just use my 555PS from the ND555.

I’ve appreciated the comments and help to get this home for me to try!

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I’d try an XPS DR, biggest ‘bang for buck’ with NDX 2 in today’s used prices. Plus it’d be a neater and a more simpler solution.

DAVE does bring it forward… in my opinion you do need to match DAVE interconnects carefully when using ATCs… or it can be too much of a good thing…

Interesting isn’t it. Your description is very similar to how i’d describe both a comparison between my Hugo 2 and Atom HE, and between NAC A5 and Kudos KS-1 in weekend comparisons. In both occasions I preferred the non Naim presentations, preferring more detail and depth to the soundstage.

I think it just highlights the quality of all these modern boxes and boils down to whether you prefer your jam strawberry or raspberry flavour.


Yeah, it just shows you how a demo in your own house is imperative to making decisions. I’m going to try and get the XPS DR. Was also curious about a non-DR 555PS or if I should just stick with the XPS since it is a DR version. Perhaps the Dave would be worth a try as well but harder to get my hands on one to demo. Would have to buy one and resell it if it doesn’t work.

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If you are not planning to add the M Scaler, the original HugoTT is fantastic with the NDX2. I never got on with the brightness of the Hugo2, TT2 or Qutest.

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Interesting, thanks for the information. I may have to keep my eyes out for one that comes available? Did you run BNC-BNC on the NDX2 to TT?


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