NDX2 turned on by itself

That’s worrying!

I’d imagine it would be feasible though for Naim to be be able to filter out playback requests to LAN/WAN advertised playback services to ensure that only those messages originating on the LAN are passed on.

My Nova did this yesterday afternoon. Started playing a Qobuz playlist while I was napping. Scared the #$!* out of me.

Of course it’s technically feasible, but not if Spotify then removes Naims’ right to implement Spotify Connect

I don’t use Spotify, but you’d think they’d respect an end-user’s right to prevent inadvertent playback initiated from the WAN even if they did require some form of intermittent remote communication with the device to authenticate continued service, not that that should be necessary as the device would phone home on LAN initiated playback anyway. Your earlier comment made me wonder if there are some unreasonable things in Spotify’s T&Cs.

I recall that Naim has confirmed that this is a Spotify valued feature, not a Naim design choice (but they probably didn’t put it exactly like that!)

That’s odd.

There you go :slight_smile:

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Not really. An afternoon nap is fairly normal in a certain age group.

I have mine about 11am. :grinning:


I’m just super glad the issue has been uncovered

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My Nova did it again last night - twice. I’m thinking it may be something to do with the Innuos Sense app controlling my devices.

I have the same problem with the Innuos sense app. The problem arises if I switch to tv and don’t pause the streaming playlist in the app. But it’s very random so can happen a couple of hours later or next day.

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I do too sometimes (only on sunday). I call that “Brap”, as “brunch” in breakfast-lunch :crazy_face:

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