LOL I’ll put a kidney on eBay and buy the ND555 instead!
Thanks for this, that will be the key I suppose and so useful to know.
I think this is a good example of the web site not being up to scratch. That’s not a specification comparison, it’s a listing of features. Maybe the French don’t know what a specification is in English. Anyway, my ND555 is well ahead of my old NDX2/ND555 - but only good value if sourced used or at a significant discount IMO.
And I wouldn’t be buying a ND555 until the firmware is sorted out anyway.
Before that, read the threads on the FW upgrades. Many issues reported, particularly with the ND555.
Save the kidney till all resolved.
Specs != Performance
I’d expect the streaming specs of an ND555 and a Qb2 to be broadly similar. And the connectivity specs of an ND5xs2 and ND555 to also be similar.
@piebia Steve (110dB) asked me to reply to you. He apologises for his absence from the forum this year. He’s not been well and is currently in hospital with a mystery illness and is now making progress. He hopes to be back and posting again once he has recovered.
We wish Steve @110dB a speedy recovery👍
Thanks Richard, please wish him all the best and I hope he will recover soon, we need him. Ciao
Indeed, and I am currently in discussion with Linn about the unfortunate consequences of this type of marketing.
E of E
A price- comfortable step could be putting an nDAC between your NDX2 and PS555.
Or you could possibly sell your NDX2 and with the funds, buy both an ND5xs2 and nDAC ( use with the PS555 ), without having to add any more funds and have an amazingly musical combo, similar to an ND555.
Bullet bitten, ND555 inbound and arriving this week. Thanks everyone for your advice and replies.
Dear @Richard.Dane can you please let us know when @110db will leave the hospital? It will be reliving. Thanks a lot
Yes many people complaints. just remember that a group you do not hear from is the group of 555 users with no issues. It is unfortunate that the 3.10 firmware changed something in some 500 setups, but that was actually never reported during beta test only afterwards. Whatever is going on I really doubt iit can really be solved since it is so specifi to a small subgroup of setups.
Closing off this but more to say thanks for the responses and advice on my question. Went ahead and got the ND555 and extremely glad I did (and didn’t just focus on spec!) Simply Stunning! The NDX2 IMHO is awesome but this is truly on another level. Thanks all.