Need a little clarification/ help

Hi… I literally just joined the forum so forgive me if this inquiry might be in the wrong place.

New Classic 200 series owner (Trio stack) I have been enjoying the system for a week and last nighj I played a little longer and louder than the usual.

As I was choosing track in between i heard a click or some tick sound from the NAP 250.

The amp was a little warm to touch on the left side, the sound seems to be ok but just got this annoying click every like few minutes.

Is it normal? Let me know please what I can do.

Thank you so much!

Was it through the speakers or physically coming from the amp?

If the latter and if you say it’s warm to the touch then I wonder whether it’s perhaps a relay - perhaps turning on the fan cooling? Perhaps something that can be clarified by your dealer.

Hi Richard!

Thanks for quick approval and response. It is from the amp as i put my head super close to it and I can hear it.

There is no exact frequency on when the click happens just random timing.

My good friend bought this trio from UK imported to Abu Dhabi.

He had it in the box for a while coz he kept his previous Naim system.

I bought it from him last week. If it is the fan is that normal or should I worry?


It’s hard for me to judge as I don’t really know what it is, and I’ve not spent much time with the new 250. You might be best advised to email Naim support and get their opinion here.

You say you have the trio stack; are they literally stacked on top of each other? If so, and the 250 is as the bottom, it will get hot.

Not really its in a rack with separate slots :ok_hand:

Sounds like the fan kicking in. Below link may help.

Question is, if it is the fan, why is the amp working so hard? What speakers does it drive? Size of room? What speaker cable & length? What kind of SPL is ‘normal’ for you?

It’s 39° in Abu Dhabi today, is the room the amp located in air conditioned? Even if so it could be the fan kicking in due to a combination of higher load due to louder&longer music session and highish room temperature?

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That’s good. You need to make sure the 250 has space around it, and that the back of the rack is open.

Hi man… I literally have to put on a jacket as I keep the room at 23 degrees​:grin: with my electric bill spiraling to 700 Dollars :see_no_evil: but now i resetted everything and disconnected all components… setting up and will keep you guys posted.

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It room size is quite small like 4 meter squared.

Driving Spendor Classic 3/1 bookshelves.

When i mean loud i dont even go beyond 60 on the volume control.

So i am not sure whats going on.

Any input will be appreciated.

I’ve never been higher than 45 on my NSC 222 :thinking:.