
I’ve wondered about that several times actually - Richard D has mentioned in the past that the current model is a big step forwards.

When I got the SBLs I opted for a used chrome bumper NAXO over an Olive SNAXO as it sounded better to me, in the sense of analogue smoothness.

I often wonder if the current SNAXO would play well with my olive NAP 250s and HICAPs, but I’ve definitely been considering the current SNAXO.

Thanks - looking at the photos here:

My assessment of the bearing may be incorrect, for some reason I had assumed a convex sapphire on top of the ‘stainless steel finger’ and concave surface in the brass stem of the platter - quite possible I’m completely mistaken and the bearing is ok :man_facepalming:

Maybe just a bit of a clean and some fresh oil is needed.

I’ve just realised the PSU is not in the house. Probably in a storage unit in a box, but fixing PSU would be a good start, I assume caps may have gone bad.

Also, interestingly regarding Funk Firm, I spoke to Arthur about the bearing a couple of years ago and he was confident he could repair, though I wasn’t sure if this was going to entail some custom updates to the bearing or PSU using newer Funk designs, possibly resulting in a hybrid upgraded Anniversary.

I’ve never heard any of the Michell turntables, they looked great and I’d have loved to have one simply for the design features.

It’s a shame these days very few dealers can afford to have a large range of turntables let alone other separates on permanent display and demo.

My recollection on pre-Anniversary PTs was as you describe, very fluid and tighter bass - I often thought ‘surely CDs should sound like this’ ?

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Well, I have an olive NAXO and an olive SNAXO. I ran the NAXO from an olive Hicap, and simply replaced it with the SNAXO - may have been an uplift in SQ,… or maybe not.

But then I replaced the Hicap with an olive Supercap and its Burndy.
That was well worth while :smiley: :smiley:

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