New Home - big upgrade to Sound!

Folks who’ve been on the forum long enough probably know me - and my crazy obsession and upgrade path from gosh - 7-13 years ago.

I lost interest about 5-7 years ago - and the 500 system pretty much just sat there - was turned off 1/2 the year - or was listened to a few days in a month…

Between my obsessive personality, failure at making the system good, industry connections, and a healthy paycheck ended up with a 500 series system, a 282/250, a sn3, ndx2 and even a solstice! And this doesnt take into consideration all the second hand gear bought and sold! What a colossal waste of time and energy! Even a dedicated line was out jn!

Moved to a new home last month - and it’s a whole different system! Put hardwood through out it the house but ensure thick carpet and memory foam underlayment in the living room/listening area.

So started unpacking - and decided to redo the upgrade path!
I started with a NDX2/SN3 into Totem Tribe Towers. If the music had just sounded as good as it did in the old home - I could have happily stayed at this level without needing to upgrade . Finally understood what it’s supposed to sound like.

A bunch of other songs that would give me goose bumps even in the car - that left me just cold in the old home with a Naim system. Something in the mid range that just didn’t exist.

Not sure whether it was the electricity (we lived next to light industry) or bad acoustics (large glass windows - a whole side was glass…)

Not sure I want to post this - don’t want to jinx it.

But just been sitting listing to music for 6 hours now - the addictive Naim quality is back - and it even sounds good!

Tonnes of work to do around the house - boxes to unpack - but can’t tear away from the stereo!

Anyway - out on the xps-dr and it sounded better.
Don’t know whether i slotted the nd555 or the 552/250 in next but speakers needed an upgrade and some point so plugged in the titans 606s. More scale, and Totem Tribe towers are a hazy memory…

Will enjoy this for a few more days before slotting in the 500… and maybe finally slot in the second 555 - but will need to go two stack for that…

Anyway - all is good here! The move to the other home was worth it - at least from an audiophile perspective!


Wow, just goes to show - great result.

Glad to hear that you’re enjoying your system again.

Yours is an odd tale. Strange that the system didn’t work for you at your old place. It could be the acoustics or mains supply or whatever, but that would need to be extreme in order to spoil your enjoyment so profoundly over a 5-7 year period.

Two thoughts occur to me. Maybe Naim isn’t the right choice for you. It’s not right for everyone. Have you auditioned alternatives? Or - maybe you are just not that interested in hi-fi. It’s a novelty that floats your boat for a bit and then you lose interest.

See how things go. I certainly wouldn’t spend any more money until you’re sure that you won’t lose interest again.

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Good stuff, I had the opposite when I moved….

I think room construction, size and shape play a bigger part than people think.

Next time I move I’ll ask if I can set up my hifi before formalising an offer!!


Rooms can indeed play a big part - but many people manage to find audio happiness in a room with a glass wall, though playing with positioning is likely a critical requirement - which REW measurement software can hasten greatly - and judicious room treatment likely would help.

But given the level of kit involved and absence of engagement I am moved to wonder about the auditioning - was every thing auditioned, particularly when making changes trying tk improve? In particular were a range of speakers auditioned, ignoring other people’s preferences? Speakers can make or break a system more easily than anything else.


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