Yes, the red one
I’ll give it a spin tonight
Yes, the red one
I’ll give it a spin tonight
It’s such an ugly bugger, looking forward to hearing how it sounds.
Yes, but I had a solution for the looks
As for the sound, it sounds exactly the same as the Linn, if anything i found the music more involving with the Linn
I’ve done a lot of A/B and more importantly B/A tests on a variety of tracks tonight
I will repeat this during the week
The looks certainly don’t help, if it was plain black I would just keep it anyway, £100 in the context of what I have isn’t really worth bothering about ( I did that with the Tiger Paw Skale)
So unless things dramatically change mid week, it’s going back
I would also like to make clear this decision has been made purely on what I’m hearing, I know there’s lots of talk on other forums, there are people who believe that any modification to the LP12 from outside Scotland is Blasphemy
My only original part now is the lid
And I have 3rd party, Tiger Paw eclipse & Skale, Tangerine. Stiletto & Skorpion & Lyra Etna
I have also tried cables from a certain witch that are outside the scope of this forum and gave them back
And conversely my Snaxo has had a very successful upgrade, once again beyond this forum
Ah, not impressed then. Did you adjust the arm height to compensate for its thickness? I’m sure you did, but just wondered.
I’m looking at an Acrylic one for my Technics. The Achromat is a bit pricey but the
SRM / TECH and even the Hudson’s Hifi one look like they might be worth a try.
At the moment I’m going between a thick rubber Thorens type one which I had lying around and a Linn felt one neither are ideal though too much static with the Linn and the rubber is a bit to thick I have the VTA spot on at the moment and adjusting that on the Rega arm is a pain.
At 3mm each both the SRM and Hudson’s Hifi both mean that VTA should be fine.
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