New Naim Internet Radio - Feedback & Requests - Part 4


Stations now added as requested:


Duran Radio:




My apologies for changing the subject for a moment, but I don’t have anywhere else to turn so thought I would chime in here with my question. I had my nd 555 powered down for the past month because I was waiting on delivery of a 552 which arrived today, but when I powered it up non of my internet radio presets stations would play except the Naim Radio HD and just reads at the bottom “stopped” Need to know what the problem is and is there anyway to get around reinstalling all of my presets. Thanks

Hi @freedomsounds

As part of moving to the new radio service, radio presets need to be deleted and re-added. In the app next to each preset there is a warning icon for old vtuner presets.


  • take note of the presets you have
  • Delete them
  • Browse or search for each preset. Play each one and save them.

You are now using the new system.



Thanks Steve

thank you.

A post was split to a new topic: ND5XS - Tidal Max

When I select IRadio It flips to the internet radio page and it say no data, on both my older Muso’s. No options, everything is gone.
I am hoping this will be repaired with the Feb 14th update ? - thanks

The Feb 14th update will bring a new enhanced in-house Internet Radio service to your Mu-So and Mu-So Qb. More details here;


Just wanted to give a bump on behalf of the UnitiLite since it didn’t get a mention along with the Qbs

Hi team, wondering if my local station could please be added? Was a personalised add in v-tuner.
Stream at
Station info at The Station 105.4FM | Tauranga

Hi, NDS updated to v4.9.40 and iRadio is present.
Recreating presets, thank you.

Initial Feedback & Comments

Not getting the BBC Stations 2,3,4 or 6, HD or regular - they stream for a second and cease. Is the service providing the correct version for non-UK locations? I’m based in Dublin, Ireland

For RTE Lyric I am only getting a 97kb/s stream, on Roon this is a 160kb/s station. And RTE 2XM was at a much higher rate.

RTE Radio 1 should also be in the Public Radio genre

I recall there was a Naim HD & Naim Test section there are equivalent groupings?

The 2XS station is interesting a 510kb/s OGG based stream, better quality than anything else. How? Are we going to see more OGG based streams at this rate?

Also where have the Naim stations gone? The Classical, Jazz, etc
Same with the Linn ones?

Hi @StevovetS

Here we go, that is a cheeky little find!



Hi @simon.pepper

RTE - just before the new year RTE adjusted their streams and reduced most of them down to AAC 96kbit/sec in an HLS container. Overall, nothing we can do about it, but we are exposing the best quality streams being broadcast.

RTE radio 1 - genre map now fixed.

2XS Radio - we do various premium deals with stations to provide better quality streams. 2XS is one of them, Jazzgroove is another.

BBC - can you raise a support ticket with out helpdesk. Mention naim equipment used, your location in Ireland + ip address on the internet (so WAN address). We have incoming connections from Ireland that are getting valid bbc url’s so in theory it can work.



Thank you for the response, I listen to either Radio 1 or Lyric most mornings on Roon (ever since the BBC introduced the geo restrictions :laughing:)

Will look again in the morning, but there does seem to be a 160kb/s service on Lyric.

Will provide a ticket for the BBC, as I can get a stable stream through Roon.

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Hi @simon.pepper

RTE Lyric - I’ve checked in more detail and I see what the issue is.

The actual stream that plays is ~160kbit AAC.
However, there is an Irish twist to this :slight_smile: In their HLS headers they declare 96kbit.

Example the URL as used by Naim and Roon:

gives the m3u8 master index as:


I’ll ping the guys at RTE engineering to see if they can correct this. We prefer to run off the declared bitrates rather than hardcode in the system, or try to resolve it from playing the streams as this can often give an inaccurate value, unless it’s a constant bit rate based stream.



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Hi @simon.pepper

ref BBC (again),

I’ve set up a little test on the server.
So under the country Afghanistan there is a temporary station called “Simon Forum Test”. In there is a hard coded BBC radio 1 (valid for 24hrs) that is using the international stream variant. See if that works. Nowdays the BBC do all geolocation logic but forcing it’s hand on stream wanted may help break down the problem.



Sorry not finding that

Try again in the morning

@Stevesky Legend, thank you!

Post updates, I am having a search problem on the Muso Qb Gen 1. The magnifying glass search only searches the Core and not iRadio. Is that expected behaviour as it is different to both the Nova and NDX2? To find Talksport (needed for the cricket you understand), you have to burrow down through Genre and Sport before you can filter or look for it.

Have this now

And streaming fine, all stable

Regular selections for the BBC stations are still not stable, so whatever you have implemented for this test station is good.

For most I am only seeing a 90% buffer indication. I have a 1Gb/s down, 50kb/s up coax fibre based (DOCSIS 3.1) internet connection. The feed to the EtherREGEN switch (A ports) is measured at 1Gb/s with low latency and jitter, wired to the NDS from Port B, which is a 100Mb/s port. The RPi2 on the same switch measures full 100Mb/s down and 50Mb/s up, so there not be a problem getting a data feed for a 320kb/s service to the NDS, so why not the 100% buffer utilisation?