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I love my Spendor A7s. More precise than many Spendors and Harbeths, more modern…but less fatiguing than say ATCs…

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ATCs fatiguing?

You must have had them badly set up. I can listen to my SCM40s for hours with no fatigue whatsoever.


This may be an issue of description as well as taste.

Would you accept that they have a slightly different presentation to (say) Harbeth , and might not actively lean toward ‘warm’ or ‘relaxing’ sounds?

They are very good speakers and pair well with Naim. A number of Forum members use Kudos.

I for one, have the Titan 606s which are very good.


I’ve not directly compared with Spendors or Harbeth, but sure, ATCs do sound different from those and several other makes. Actually, mine are active so direct comparisons are not straightforward. They are certainly very revealing and partnering equipment makes a significant difference. But my quibble was really with ATCs as exemplars of fatiguing speakers.



With a 4x4 m square room you are definitely going to need a home audition for bass reasons. It would be helpful to know what speakers your local hifi dealer has and which you can audition at home. Otherwise everyone just piles in with their own speakers!

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I can see my hastily written post was not helpful - really, I meant to extol the virtues of the A7s…not trash the ATCs with a general “fatiguing” comment which is exactly what I did, so apologies.

I do agree ATCs don’t come to top of mind to exemplify fatiguing. I appreciate the clarification around detail which is exactly what I meant…would “demanding” be a better term? I wonder if the ATCs with their sealed cabinets maybe require a little higher volumes to sound the best and get full range balance?

I went from Rega RS3s to Spendor A7s. The RS3s were like wearing my old running shoes around…completely comfortable at all times. The Spendors definitely are more “sit down and listen”…and my limited experience with the SCM40s and 19s is that they are even more that way.

One thing about the A7’s that I really like is that they seem really balanced on this spectrum…and they are precise without sounding precise, if that makes any sense? That comment is not made relative to ATCs or other speakers.