Next upgrade advice

Yeah, I can’t sadly! Certainly not all at once anyway. A supercap is pretty doable if I go with just an olive or supercap 2. If it gets to DR territory it’ll take away from budget for other areas. I’m guessing it’s definitely the best option, but would rather get a supercap 2 and nac52 than push the boat out on supercapDR alone.

Again, never heard a 52/252… so not sure of improvement over the 82. Most say the 82 is tiring and in fairness, I do get that. I would like a less tiring sound, but like the impact and speed it has.

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I got Keel used by the way. Cost around £2100. Ekos SE/1 used around same price. Try to get a used one as it will save you a fair bit.

Yep - I’d probably have skipped Kore in retrospect -certainly if Keel is what is being aimed at. At the time I wasn’t aiming at Keel, it’s just circumstances that made it possible - and I got a good trade in on the Kore.

But I am still of the opinion that the Urika should be auditioned even before Keel, and certainly before any new arm.


Yes Alan,

So difficult for me to comment on order of upgrades as I did one big hit.

But I am very happy with Urika I which of course gives you the Trampolin and makes use of the Radikal power supply.

So maybe if Storm likes it that would be No 1 upgrade.

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So maybe get Supercap, 52 and Urika I

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Indeed, it’s because he already has the Radikal that I advocate he listens to Urika - even without any other possible upgrades.


Yeah, definitely buying used on everything @Dan_M. Unless it’s for the radikal upgrade. Would never buy new stuff as I’d get nowhere. The keels I’ve seen are all around the £2k mark, but had always been put off drilling one for the ittok. Hence thinking arm first. But if it’s not that bad, maybe drilling is the way to go.

I reckon a supercap would only be a supercap2 in fairness. The ultimate aim would be the 552, so would rather wait until that than ‘waste’ the extra on a DR version now. They’re not a ridiculous amount more than a DR supercap and late 252 now.

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That’s super interesting @AlanJ… Sounds like you’re a big fan of the urika. I’ve always fancied one in that it makes extra use of the radikal and I wanted a trampolin, too. :thinking:

Liking the sound of that!

Well that was my experience. But in any event I would talk to Cymbiosis and arrange some demo’s - as always, your own ears are the best guide.


82 and Supercap 2 is great preamp. 52 was better but 82 was great.

I would hold back on Keel then. You don’t want to be drilling holes out. It will devalue the Keel. Leave the subchassis. Then get Ekos and Keel in one hit.

Maybe just do the Urika I and amps then. And if you don’t want to spend too much just get the Supercap 2 and leave the 52.

And then leave the 52 and get 552 when you are ready.

So upgrade priority could be

Supercap 2
Urika 1

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I reckon Cymbiosis will say leave preamp and go KRad2 and Urika I. Or upgrade to ARad2.


Even A/Rad-2 is a significant upgrade over A/Rad-1… again, unless you are aiming at Kilmax level.

My final config is A/Rad-2, Urika-1, Karousel, Keel, Ekos/SE and Kandid - and I’m very happy with it. A cartridge replacement is on the horizon and it will be another Kandid when the time comes.


I have a feeling you’re right @Dan_M. I’d say first would be the radikal upgrade first as it’s the closest to the source first mantra… and subchassis next.

I’m definitely going to call them though, as there’s a few supercaps there at the moment. I’ll see what they say.

Some great advice and thoughts though guys, much appreciated your insights as you’ve both been there and heard them.

I’ve started to lose a smidge of interest in my system recently and think I need another upgrade to re-spark my desire to play more records!

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SC is way better than 2 x HC IMHO.
If it paves the way for a move to 52 or 252 then even better.


I added an SCDR to my 282, that was in use through all the upgrades I previously mentioned ( now have 252). I thought SCDR was a massive improvement over the single HCDR, though that is/was by no means a universal opinion on this forum.


Is it that much better than 2 hicaps on an 82 though @SteveO ? Great if it is, but assumed it would be negligible as it’s only powering the same amount of channels (4?) though I will probably get one, I didn’t think I’d have heard much difference until I’d got a 52?!?


Yes, when I got my Karousel things sounded not quite right. The Ekos 2 with new phonostage, cart and Trampolin 2 made things sound epic again. Dealer reckoned that my cart was maybe beginning to go and that was reason why LP12 sounded off!

It could just be that you need a new cart!

These things are tricky and sometimes you don’t need to do much to get your system sounding just right.

I had 2 hicaps both Olive and I too found Supercap 2 made a big difference.

Maybe a Supercap will pave for a 52.

If you are going to stick with classic series then 252 with Supercap DR is very very good. It is worth considering.

552DR is better still. I got mine for £11k. Need to factor in £900 per box to service going forwards.

I would have been very happy with 52 Supercap 2 500DR. Great amplification!

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I had 282/HC and thanks to my great dealer, had home dem of adding 2nd HC against the SC.
I didn’t think the 2nd HC brought that much of an improvement, the SC definitely did.
I bought the SC then moved to 252, which 20 years later is where I still am.


I have heard 252 Supercap DR with 500DR and it sounds excellent.

The 52 Supercap 2 500DR I had has more of the Olive feel with slightly less clarity but has different twist.

552DR gives more clarity and control of everything.

The 552DR pairs well with 500DR, 300DR and 250DR. As do all Naim premaps 282 upwards.

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