NS333 with 555PS or nDAC with 555ps

Anyone done this comparrison? Is it time to let go of nDAC?

Or used ND555?

Is ND555 reliable over WiFi?

Yes, it has the same streaming board as the NS333 (I don’t own either of these but I have a ND5xs2 same board and a nDAC)

Well, I don’t have one, but as a 2nd gen streamer I’d expect it’s fine. I’m sure owners will chime in with their experience.

I’m pretty sure that it’s the wifi gubbins that is important here, rather than the streaming board.

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Do I move away from nDAC … but not towards nss 333?

As you have an Ndac, you need a transport.
Innuos Pulse would be a very good choice, with a coaxial connection.

Other have Nd5xs2 into Ndac, or Nd5xs2 into Ndac/ 555 dr.
You can use Wifi without problems.


Nah that board has the WiFi module on it. Streamingunlimited IIRC

The nDAC has a very specific sound.

But it benefits from an excellent transport.

Auditions would be critical.

The various alternates such as Chord, Weiss, DCS etc. have very different characters so take care.

The 333 is also different, similar “sonic presentation” if you like to an NDX2/555 but different again. Many on here love the 333, we were not wowed by it at all (considering with PSU it’s £14k - that opens up all sort of dedicated streamer and DAC options).

We made a deliberate decision some time ago to decouple transport and DAC. The 333 didn’t convince us we’d gone the wrong direction.

ND555 could still be an option, but used Innuous/Dave for similar or less cash…… choices, choices,


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