So last trip to the hifi shop, I was with my eldest (15 at the time). The owner came took us to their ‘other’ listening room. Looked to have almost $1/2M worth of gear in there - massive Sonus Faber boxes, monoblock amps, vinyl based.
After the session my eldest told me he liked vinyl, I asked him to quantify why, did it sound different to him in some way?
He said ‘no, it’s because I can actually touch & holds it and see it going round, look at the artwork and I feel like it connects me to the music more’.
I remember having played ITCOTCK (as opposed to the ubiquitous and overrated DSOTM) for the first time on my simple stereo holding the fold up cover and watching and watching it and reading, as if it was the LP itself, as it it had a life…
I think it’s why I never really took to CDs as much as vinyl as I hated the jewel cases which often broke and the tiny booklets weren’t a patch on vinyl inserts with lyrics etc.
I observe that someone from my generation observes the observations of a kid of 15. What I mean is that we project our feelings and understanding on others.
My daughter was into my vinly at young age, was already into a all genres of music
her favourite was War of the worlds
Loved looking at the book aswell,
Now she has her own system and lot of vinyl,
We even go second hand vinyl shopping together every now again and she loves my naim kit and has already told her brother that it’s hers,