Obstruction of Public Pavements - is it a criminal offence?

For example. Your comment, not garcon’s.

The decision I made was to, quite rightly, report a criminal offence that was in progress.

This does not interfere with the due process of the criminal justice system. Nor does it mean that I am attempting to decide anything regarding the action that the police should take.

I suggest that you re-read my opening post as you clearly have little grasp of the issue at hand. My grievance is with the way my call was dealt with by both the 999 call centre and 101. In both instances I was given incorrect information regarding both the correct procedure to follow and the law.

Go get ‘em!


I don’t need to re read your post, I’ve read it several times already.

You were given advice,albeit rude and inaccurate. I accept this was wrong,as stated in my reply to you.

When told the police would take no action, you obviously disagreed and argued the point, which you are still doing.

Did you say " Ok yes,I fully understand its your decision, I just thought Id let you know" ?

No, thought not.

And you know this - how exactly?

I’ve read you posts.

If you had agreed, you would not have posted this thread…seeking applause.

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Perhaps then you could point out to me where I stated that I said this to the 999 operator?

Seeking applause? What planet are you on? Please do re-read my opening post and you will clearly see why I started this thread.

By all means argue points if you disagree with them. Please do try however to remain rational and avoid attempting to bolster your viewpoint by posting blatant falsehoods based on false assumptions you are making that you think support your views.

Stick to the facts.

Can’t help thinking this thread is now in DFFT territory…



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Yes, sadly so.

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@anon55098131 You are correct in your above quotes , yet you don’t seem to want to accept your very own premise put by you in them. In that having reported the matter by what I would describe as a nuisance and totally inappropriate use of the emergency 999 system, your posts clearly show that having being told by the police that they will not investigate or deal, you just will not accept this and have complained accordingly.

You state that you were at some time in some form a magistrate? If so then you should recall that there are two aspects of a criminal case, first, is there a proved offence beyond reasonable doubt, and secondly what is the best use of the judicial system in how to deal with the matter. As a magistrate this is where reasonable judgement is paramount. I feel in this matter you no longer are exercising reasonable judgement as clearly you have blown the issue of the police telling you not to abuse the 999 system for such an issue and they won’t deal, out of all proportion.

Whilst I applaud your attempts to clear the footpath I cannot see how on earth you can ever justify the use of the 999 emergency system for this. Frankly the Police have enough on their hands.

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Mike, Using the emergency line means someone has to answer it. If using for trivia it means that the police call centre operator dealing with 999 calls is at that moment unavailable to take a real emergency call. I would recommend you use the 101 system for non-emergency calls.

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Not in the UK!

This has been covered several times on this thread already and is frankly getting tedious.

The use of 999 to report a crime that is in progress is entirely legitimate and proper. Read the facts on-line, don’t take my word for it. I wish people could stop posting false information here.

Once and for all - stick to the facts, and whether or not you think it’s justified is of no relevance. Nor is how much the police have on their hands of any relevance to reporting a crime.

As a magistrate that is part of your duty. As a general citizen it is not your duty to make such a judgement and it is quite improper for you to do so.

It is not out of proportion at all. I expect and am entitled to receive correct advice when I call 999 or 101. I think it is matter of some concern if when people call these numbers they are treated both discourteously and given false information regarding the proper use of 999 and the facts of the law. It is likely to discourage many people from reporting crimes if they are treated in this way. So no, not out of proportion at all and actually a matter of grave concern.

Do they? How so? Please point out the relevant posts to me.

Reporting a crime that is in progress is not trivia. It is a legitimate use of 999. What you recommend is neither here nor there.

Seems like a classic case of righteous indignation, if I was the OP I think I’d be more concerned about my blood pressure than the stupid bricks.


Which just goes to show what a mean-spirited approach you have to your fellow man.

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Wow… you really dont see it I guess.

I found this on the UK magistrates site and found it interesting…

19.2 The six key qualities sought in those applying to become magistrates are, good character, understanding and communication, social awareness, maturity and sound temperament, sound judgment and commitment and reliability.

I think we will have to agree to totaly disagree on this one PJL. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day

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Just because you keep repeating it (which is getting tedious) does not make it right.