Optimising Naim nDAC

Sorry to ask what may seem a dumb question… :slightly_frowning_face:

Can the nDAC’s USB inputs just accept a USB drive (a Flash drive or a hard drive) with audio files on - in MP3 or Apple - or similar format…?

Yes, you can use the USB inputs with memory sticks, in much the same way as you can with the 1st gen streamers. Without a screen or app to browse them, you just play using the remote, a bit like controllling play on a CD player, so you can’t browse a large collection.


Thank you. That’s what I was wanting to confirm…!!

You can also connect up an iPhone/iPad via USB and play anything from it.

Tidal iPad through nDAC is surprisingly good. Probably good enough for a low budget streaming rig!

A useful feature lost on NDX2 and other gen 2 devices, where USB can only play from mass storage devices (taken away because AirPlay was added).

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That… is the answer I was hoping for.
An nDAC has been added to my Wish List… :slightly_smiling_face:

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We have fed our nDAC with:

  1. Raspberry Pi with digital hat via coax
  2. iPad via USB
  3. Sky Q via optical
  4. NDX2 via coax

All sounded great, but option 4 is obviously our long term choice! Options 1/2/3 were during delivery wait for rack.

NDX2 beats all the other sources for clarity, detail & timing. Interestingly Sky Q sounds better into NDX2 rather than direct to nDAC. Some have speculated this is either due to cleaning of signal or DSP.

If at any point we go ND555 the nDAC will move into office with SU. We did try that when we got nDAC (with RPI as source) and it was a significant improvement on SU streaming/DAC.


And then you will cough “need” cough an XPS for it, so you might just as well add it to your list while you are at it :laughing:


I already have an XPS… :astonished:


I nicked the one from my CDX for my nDAC… the CDX doesnt get much use these days.


Mine currently powers my CDX2.

Options… :expressionless:

So we both need second XPSs

race you to the auction site! :rofl:


Leave it there and get a 555 for the nDAC. Awesome.

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Are you paying…? :thinking:


Ha, no skint after finishing our green eyed monster :laughing:

Unfortunately NDX300 can’t do the nDAC so 555 it has to be….

Does anyone know what part of the DAC is powered by the external power supply and what part by the internal one?

When the PSU upgrade option is used with the Naim
DAC, power supply separation is further increased by the
use of a dedicated supply for the master clock circuits.
It also provides a bigger toroidal transformer and bigger
reservoir capacitors, and the DSP remains powered from
the Naim DAC transformer to give even more separation
from the analogue section.

From the Naim white paper


Great, thanks @gthack :+1:

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I’ve used on my nDAC/72HC/250

  • non Naim cd transports
  • USB sticks
  • iPad iPhone

The Apple products produced average audio, the CD transports were better, and the USB sticks great but very awkward to utilise.

Added a Naim Core DC1 and 555PSDR and this was leaps and bounds the best sound of my combinations


Which USB port did you use on the nDac ?

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