Packing it all in

I might not be able to help you directly, but I know what you’re going though and it might help you a little to know that there are others here that have similar situations. I’ve spent a few years moving up the Hi-Fi ladder to own a SuperUniti/Kudos system (I know some of you will laugh, but we’re not all made of money and have other hobbies as well) I’m at a point where I’m very content with my setup and try not to think about more upgrades. However I’ve noticed that I’ve not been able to sit down for any extended length of time to enjoy the system. Life seems to get in the way… Work, family, chores, tennis, gym, photography (my second hobby), and I simply run out of time to also sit and listen to my system. So when I have a moment to myself I tend to try and play as much of my favourite music and end up hurrying through albums, and not experiencing the music properly. I have a pair of Grado headphones, but like others have said, it’s just not the same as a good pair of speakers. Besides having Radio Paradise on when we’re at home, I also try to listen to at least two random CDs each weekend, to sit down with my family to listen together. It doesn’t always work out, when one’s children are 9 and 11 and have different tastes in music, but I know that eventually things will change and I will have more and more time to properly enjoy my system. Perhaps even upgrade it.

Dometom your problem is lack of time while the OP sufferes lack of good will.I think T32803 gave the best advise.

Radio Paradise - sounds like something off a Monty Python sketch

Time and dough enough to assemble serious kit are graces of abundance. Redirection of the investment will be costly. Do so only as you must, and with regret only regarding miscalculation — other judgement is optional.


Sorry, that’s incorrect. It’s my choice not to inflict my music on other family members who are engaged in school work, either admin & planning etc, or the resident 6th Former doing what needs to be done - which is significantly more than I recall from my time.

The best option is to get some decent speakers that aren’t too big for the room they’re now in, revitalise the system to get the magic back then find that when there is an opportunity to make good use of it it’s an attractive proposition to sit & enjoy what it can do.

I have a pair of hd800 sennheiser headphones for the times when I need to listen in piece
They are amazing and I think a match for some speakers…

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I have similar issues - unable to listen properly when any of the family are at home - two teenage daughters (gcse’s And A levels this summer) and one wife, none of whom appreciate fine audio… Just have to stick with it and grab opportunities to listen whenever I can; and worry how much I will miss them when they leave home (daughters, that is, wife not leaving!)


Don’t know if it’s the same where you come from but there’s a long tradition locally of women having ‘running away money’, a secret fund if a sudden need should arise to scoop the kids up and leave. My mother, grandmothers and beyond all kept one. My wife seemed put out when I asked if she had one yet, and that I’d be happy to contribute a reasonable sum to it if it helped at all. :rofl:

Still here… :wink:

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Cheeky! It’s her father’s farm and has informed me that the only way I am leaving is in a box…


To the OP. Life goes in stages and you can’t always predict them.

I purchased my first serious system in 1985 when my late wife and I were quite newly married. We loved music. But once we had the children it impacted both the amount of time available to listen to music and invest in hifi upgrades. However, the girls grew up loving music and arts generally.

When me moved to this house in 2001 I undertook to invest in a reference level system and gradually as they grew up and became more independent I gradually found more time to listen. Now, partly retired, I indulge in my music.

With regard to what others think of my system - some are genuinely impressed and ask to hear particular pieces of music, others are at best non-plussed or unimpressed.




Sorry for the misunderstanding.Hope you ll sort the problem evantually.

I have 252/SC NDX/XPS 300 etc and I bought a super uniti used for 1400 quid and got some Russell K Red 150 and it completely embarrasses 45k of equipment so I feel your pain.


I’ve enjoyed your thread, twisting and turning and all. I inferred this perspective from your original post, in the part about room constraints and feeling bored or that it was overkill. I am in the camp of choose speakers for your mood, preference, and life situation. I’ve only ever had one “big” pair of speakers, and in retrospect never really loved them even though they were exciting and sounded fine; they made way for Kudos S10’s, which are somehow much more refined and I enjoy them (driven by Nova) for sitting alone listening, playing Radio Paradise while doing chores, or playlists while we (three) eat dinner and chat. If you want to change the character, my advice is seek the opposite of what you have now… too big? go tiny! too overwhelming? go for precision and detail! I’m (basically) your age, but new having a high schooler in the house; your respect and love of family didn’t come through as strongly in your first post as it did later… so I’d work that aspect, which defines your lifestyle at the moment, very firmly into your agenda while making a list of things to listen to as you contemplate trading in your big boxes for something that suits (all of) you better. Thanks for inviting us into your world and sharing your thinking. I’m glad I was able to be a part of it. And of course let us know what you get up to next!

Regards alan


I have the same Naim system as you and also of 57 years in age. Interestingly my issues were also where can I locate my system to really enjoy it and this ended up in my 12’ x 8’ box room- wooden floor and boomy nature. I ended up with studio monitor influenced speakers (ATC SCM11s) which really work well in near field listening positions, can be placed against the wall and has a really well defined bass without any inclination to ‘boom’. It also sounds good at low volumes and I don’t have to turn it up loud on the system to get that loud factor in such a confined space- my maximum is 40 on the volume when I want to ‘feel ‘ the sound which isn’t overly intrusive to people in other rooms. I also put a unity in the living room for general back ground listening.

Having a room practically dedicated to listening to music with the limitations it has means I have no inclinations to upgrade further as I suspect I have already over spec’d the system for its surroundings and I can shut myself away and get lost in the music. I have also found my wife doing likewise, when previously she had no interest in ‘hi fi’, but obviously has an interest in music.

So my simple advice is not let ‘Hi fi’ be the dominant factor but work out your priorities for your living space and ensure your system works best in these limitations.

I too can understand the OP’s perspective. It is very easy to get carried away with upgrading, changing boxes often at costs that many individuals would baulk at ‘for a stereo’ and this can often be fuelled by places like this forum where people are striving for the ‘nirvana’ system. BUT … what brings us all here and why we read these threads and change boxes is that we all have a passion for music.
The point of saying this is that if the OP isn’t enjoying, or as seems the case, is unable to enjoy his music as he would like, then maybe he would enjoy a more modest system much better… ie. something that lets him listen to the music when the chance arises…however brief and not get caught up in how the electronics sound…after all…ain’t that why we do it?
I agree with @Alan33 that you have let us into your world and I commend your bravery in being so open. Spending a considerable amount of money on anything and then admitting it’s not quite working means you already ‘have a pair’!
You may well find you get more enjoyment from your system in years to come as family life changes and you get more time to enjoy it, or that a more modest system fulfils your needs.
From a personal perspective, I can say I have spent more time sometimes listening to the electronics rather than the music and forgetting what got me into hifi in the first place. I am also wondering if the ‘itch’ has been scratched and maybe a Nova and suitable speakers will immerse me more to enjoy the music rather than thinking …what if I bought this or that.
For me, I will explore in due course. For you, I hope you find that balance of enjoying the music within your family life in whatever capacity that entails…family first. Good luck

thats exactly what i did… nova replaced a rack ful and i listen to more music now and not bothered abou cables, power supplies etc


I used to have a lovely 72/140/hicap with LP12, CD5 and Credos. All bought second hand. It sounded great but cost a fortune by my standards. Because of the cost I was always listening to the system rather than the music and changed my choice of music from what I enjoyed to what made the system sound best . Then I lost interest and sold it all and bought a motorcycle.

I now have two much more modest systems. One is a Trio KD1033 tt, Trio KA-2002 amp and Wharfedale Dentons (less that £150 for the whole system). The other is a Pioneer A400, Pioneer CD player, Audio Technica LP120 and TDL RTL2’s which also cost very little.
Because of their low cost there is no pressure on me to get maximum use out of them and although I’m happy with the way both systems sound my expectations aren’t too high so I can just relax and enjoy the music whenever it’s convenient.

If Naim brought out a simple modern take on the Nait 2 with a decent built in phono stage for around £500 I’d probably start climbing the slippery slope once again…


Ooh, back in the early ‘80s I went through college with a Trio KD1033, Akai AM2250 and Wharfedale Shelton XP2s, your system is pretty close. Bet it’s great fun, I had a lot of pleasure from mine.

It is great fun and I probably do most of my listening on this system. I also have a bluetooth receiver connected to it so I can stream Spotify from my phone. There’s something about the combination of modern and vintage that I find quite appealing!

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Some v good responses here, esp the practical ones like @AlanBass1 who has described almost to a T the issue and a solution. Swapping the speakers for something smaller addresses the root cause, so it if I can get some Harberths or ATCs for home demo there might be a way forward. Thanks for all the input guys,.