Please suggest some good value phono cables

I would appreciate your advice regarding phono cables, specifically for the runs between my TT and pre (approx 1.5m), and the pre and the 5si (as short as possible). I am thinking of a maximum budget of <£50.

Thank you in advance.

I suggest taking a look at the flashback cables site, good quality and vfm.

I was going to suggest Flashback too. They also do Naim specific cables though I have not tried any yet.

I use Flashback between my turntable and my Naim pre, phono to BNC cables aren’t that easy to come by and they sound pretty good.

Chord Cobra are popular. And decent.

Melodika are good value

Do they have a distro in the UK?

Doesn’t look like it judging by their website, but if you’re quick you can order them online while you’re still in the EU :wink:

No rush then!

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