Post Office Scandal

Well, I’ve relented and dipped in to the, for the most part, legal on legal questioning sessions of the last couple of days, with much time focused on stances, disclosure and why people said this and that, and, of course, was it all part of a bigger strategy not to reveal things(?). Very murky to my ears and, of course, very dry when they’re reduced to examining e-mails, docs and intentions behind the words. Noticeable that the gallery has been very thin after last week’s show.


Liars and Criminals…? Really…? Erm. My language was too strong…

Didn’t exactly pass ‘the Daily Mail test’ did he, albeit this is no surprise given the way this whole saga has played out. Litigation is simply code for legal warfare, and the tactics often used are dubious and beyond.

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Well, today, the Second Sight team rocked-up armed with some truths, suitably loaded for bear, took aim, and POL’s executive team were blasted with (yet more!) buckshot, especially PV. How on earth did POL’s highly educated senior executive members ever think that a mediation scheme was the right process to address so many wrongful actions against the SPMs?

It was all an attempt at using sticking plasters to cover and address major wounds.


Second Sight -

Post Office - Cover Up…?

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Just watched Newsnight on BBC2 (suffering the ever-smug presenter) and Ron Warmington (SS) and Jo Swinson (former PO minister) threw PV under the bus, and then some – also salient as Ron said that, initially, he was asked to discover the truth by PV and Perkins…a case of ‘words and words differ’!


Having worked at ICL (not PO account), it’s no surprise that the exec’s had no idea what went on down below. Same in any big company I expect

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Ex-Fujitsu executive says he feels ‘aggrieved’ by damage done to Horizon’s reputation.


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Ex-Fujitsu boss grilled over failure to notice system errors.

“Either you failed utterly in your leadership or the staff beneath you failed utterly to tell you what was going on.”



I recall from undergrad days that ICL mainframes were a bit of a joke even back in 1980. Nothing changes.

Just missed out on those, but came in on the DRS range running CP/M then moving onto Unix (4.2 I think). As a contractor there for 9 years, it meant I could keep away from Office politics.

I must admit, I never realised the complexity of all the different company names involved as mentioned today. I hope it makes sense to someone, but I guess you have to ask yourself “why?”

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An ICL mainframe was the first computer that I ever used…!
I was still at School then. It was… a long time ago… :open_mouth:

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Ah Unix… that really was cutting edge back then !

As engineers we were initiated on DEC and IBM. Even Ferranti ! Used to dream about Cray. I don’t think ICL was taken seriously for technical work but maybe their machines were more suited to Cobol applications.

I’ve used ICL mainframes. I’ve still, somewhere, have an ICL SCL guide.

I hope every postmaster is fully compensated once this inquiry is over and the offenders (management) sent to prison.


What is very clear is that so many people seem to have been working in a moral vacuum.
Maybe they will go to prison, but their reputation is ruined


Not surprised here…

Its notable that this guy from Second Sight, has a much, much better memory of what happened many years ago, than any PO employee. Hmm…

‘I’m sorry… I don’t remember…’


I suspect that Second Sight had a better insight into what was going on and the appalling culture they were exposing

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Dynamite this morning.


What happened ?

Today’s ‘stars’ at the PO Inquiry are -

Graham Ward - ex PO Security Team Casework Manager

Tony Kearns - CW Union

Kay Linnell - Adviser to Sub Postmasters