Post Office Scandal

Today’s was scary - where do these people come from , we had an expert witness who appeared to have passed on another’s opinion whilst in the role of an expert witness. He did not seemingly identify this as an issue. ( Fujitsu security analyst )

GJ I have some sympathy for as he was clearly the wrong person in the wrong place and not self aware enough to realise this until later, he did later. This guy was not cut from the same cloth


This guy is scary in his intensity

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I find the repeated ‘Bless You’ s quite revealing but worrying, in AD’s email chain.

As to calling Lee Castleton a ‘nasty chap’ - that’s clearly judgemental.

Very Poor, Fujitsu.

Fujitsu and the Post Office - made for each other. Two nasty companies.


This item seems to be the first item on Fujitsu’s global web page.

Having worked with many Japanese companies over the years , this is deeply humiliating for them. There also seems to be a corporate reshuffling going on.

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I watched some of yesterday and it was a very slow-motion car crash again, with JB KC setting-up the witness who suggested they wouldn’t/hadn’t done things, which JB then went to to prove they had – although I didn’t sense, as with GJ, any malice in their actions. They were just naïve beyond belief and, I still don’t understand (well, we wouldn’t be here if things were done ‘right’!), how:

1- their personal values and judgements should have alerted the people laying down these statements to court – why did they not feel the need to insist on legal guidance?
2- where were FJ’s lawyers here in ensuring their staff behaved correctly, also protecting FJ at the same time?
3- did the internal and external sols of POL not know of the shortcomings and ‘poor quality’ of these statements? As ‘officers of the court’ and per Conduct Rules, they are not supposed to submit anything they consider is potentially incorrect/flawed…
4- why didn’t defence briefs rip in to these statements, albeit it’s clear FJ were tantamount to a ‘black box’ – the legal process has questions to answer here too.

The word cover-up has been used quite a lot, but when does this turn in to outright negligence in simple parlance?


I would go one further. Rank stupidity.

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When the corporate culture goes bad …

I worked for two firms that fell foul of the regulator , the first (GRE) took serious action and became a text book example of compliance , the second was clearly a loose cannon , when they fell foul of the regulator it was far, far more serious with policyholders getting the wrong payouts (generally lower payouts- thanks to computer problems)

Since then I have seen behaviour that makes the first two pale into insignificance .

The CEO must be responsible for governance, corporate culture and ethics , fail on these and the organisation deserves to fail

PV was (IMHO) a weak leader and saw things as she wanted to see them .

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In large corporates, it’s not the CEO but the Board’s responsibility, with a Board sub-c’tee (Risk and Compliance C’tee), managing these things, with distillation for the Board’s attentions and decision-making.

In the case of POL, it seems that PV crossed a line when briefing the Board, in not taking care to ensure a full & factually informed picture was presented – whether this speaks to a personal bias, denial, or cheerleading (of a sort), only a reader/listener can determine - one suspects others are also doing that with more trained eyes.

I suspect many of us, when we left school/uni, and broke out in to the open world, were full of the naïve belief that people (and bodies corporate/public), would always act with honesty, accuracy and integrity – sadly, I found it something which was quickly dispelled.

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Valid comments - my take is sheer incompetence?

Imho, maybe wrong, those in general who value honesty and integrity work for small cos., those who wish to hide behind corporate walls, work for bigger corps, heads down, get the ‘job’ done!


Looks like Ed Davey had a hard day in court… :thinking:


The last couple of days have been like an episode of Yes Minister - from today and yesterday’s performances you wouldn’t even let them cut your hedge.

It is clear that Sir Humphrey is running the show.


Ouch ,

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More from Sir Ed… Again, having a bad day…

‘I can’t remember…’


Question… Where did the money go…?

The PO accused the SPM’s of theft, of very large amounts of money. In some cases, the SPM’s paid this money back, either directly - or after being taken to Court by POL.

So… as the shortfalls were generated by Horizon - and were not real, surely this is fraud, on behalf of the PO…? Where did this money go, with POL…?

Exec bonuses… :crazy_face:

I wonder if the money was these’re in the first place ?

Who were the auditors ?

EY and PwC.

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PWC :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I experienced them twice in my career and I cannot repeat my comments

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Me too.

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This, on BBC1 tonight, should be worth watching…