Post Office Scandal

Some very sensible business discussions going on today (Alisdair Cameron), in the process getting to the roots of the cultural issues which existed within the PO at the time & before.

Of course, much said and set down with the benefit of hindsight, which has been acknowledged. Such a contrast to yesterday’s tear-fest.

Quite a revolving door of people in this whole piece, which speaks in itself.

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hi happylistner you are probably right some of them were probably up to no good. and a blanket overturn would let them off the hook - but the idea of overturning convictions proceeding at the present glacial pace seems far worse. if pocl had done things properly they might have been convicted fairly but pocl’s actions have made that impossible now.

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Agree – only course open was to overturn all.

No doubt the SI doesn’t have the powers, but if the individual concerned declines to cooperate, simple solution, if only…!
Freeze bank accounts, all pensions + cancel passport.

Decent people, not confined to, but including SPM, do the right thing and those who bear levels of responsibility…'nuff said. Dreadful.
Watching some of the Boeing discussions, certain likely knowledgeable opinion, suggests the rot there goes back twenty years.
Worrying that the timescale is somewhat similar to PO. What was the transission around year 2000 that has prompted this breakdown in decency, efficiency and absolute competence?

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[quote=“HappyListener, post:58, topic:33634”] If
the PO management set-up was a building, the only sensible action would be to demolish it, remove things like its ability to prosecute, and completely revise its management architecture.

Take-off and nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure…

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From Nick Wallis:

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Paula Vennells, former Group CEO of POL, in the hot seat Wednesday to Friday next week. That should be worth watching. When I attended Nick Wallis’s talk last week, he flashed a slide up of Ms. Vennells, which was greeted with a lot of booing and hissing from the audience. I wonder how she’s prepared for it?


Likely by consulting PR adviser and lawyer(s).
I rather expect we will learn very little, because there will be, as a standard procedure, Sir Wyn Williams will advise about self-incrimination - there is a technical term, which escapes me.
Of course what preparation should be - is a bag ready for jail time.

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Several witnesses who have preceded her have implicated her or said directly that they were acting according to her instruction or simply that she was informed of what was happening. I wonder if she’ll suffer the same selective memory that has affected others? I do hope she has to face Jason Beer KC.


Oh dear. Looks like Vennells is going to find the going tough tomorrow…


Let’s hope so…

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He’s there now, already asking simple questions and getting long-winded answers.


I find it remarkable the number of things that PV (who was CEO) says she was not told about.

Only once removed from The Dog Ate My Homework… IMO…


The Board, including the CEO and the various sub-C’tees, are responsible for control and governance procedures (as JB has just raised).

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‘Ms. Vennels… How could you not have known…’ - Jason Beer KC.


Followed by long, meandering sort of reply.

‘I should have known about that…’ - PV.

Her main defence seems to be incompetence.


It promised to be and indeed is compulsive viewing


They have adjourned because something is dripping on the Chair. Maybe it’s sewage.


Paula Vennells has not been put on the spot for decades, if at all, I suspect. At her previous appearance at an “Inquiry”, when she was flanked by Van den Bogerd and, iirc, a guy from Second Sight, she seemed exasperated rather than in any way contrite.

Jason Beer is the silver-tongued assassin; if nothing else, he will demonstrate that she is and was an incompetent, amnesiac platitude machine, probably without her realising it. Even if she and the other executive Post Office dregs are not prosecuted, they will be discredited professionally and morally.



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